pyWeb Literate Programming 2.3

Yet Another Literate Programming Tool



Literate programming was pioneered by Knuth as a method for developing readable, understandable presentations of programs. These would present a program in a literate fashion for people to read and understand; this would be in parallel with presentation as source text for a compiler to process and both would be generated from a common source file.

One intent is to synchronize the program source with the documentation about that source. If the program and the documentation have a common origin, then the traditional gaps between intent (expressed in the documentation) and action (expressed in the working program) are significantly reduced.

pyWeb is a literate programming tool that combines the actions of weaving a document with tangling source files. It is independent of any source language. It is designed to work with RST document markup. Is uses a simple set of markup tags to define chunks of code and documentation.


The following is an almost verbatim quote from Briggs' nuweb documentation, and provides an apt summary of Literate Programming.

In 1984, Knuth introduced the idea of literate programming and described a pair of tools to support the practise (Donald E. Knuth, "Literate Programming", The Computer Journal 27 (1984), no. 2, 97-111.) His approach was to combine Pascal code with TeX documentation to produce a new language, WEB, that offered programmers a superior approach to programming. He wrote several programs in WEB, including weave and tangle, the programs used to support literate programming. The idea was that a programmer wrote one document, the web file, that combined documentation written in TeX (Donald E. Knuth, TeX book, Computers and Typesetting, 1986) with code (written in Pascal).

Running tangle on the web file would produce a complete Pascal program, ready for compilation by an ordinary Pascal compiler. The primary function of tangle is to allow the programmer to present elements of the program in any desired order, regardless of the restrictions imposed by the programming language. Thus, the programmer is free to present his program in a top-down fashion, bottom-up fashion, or whatever seems best in terms of promoting understanding and maintenance.

Running weave on the web file would produce a TeX file, ready to be processed by TeX. The resulting document included a variety of automatically generated indices and cross-references that made it much easier to navigate the code. Additionally, all of the code sections were automatically prettyprinted, resulting in a quite impressive document.

Knuth also wrote the programs for TeX and METAFONT entirely in WEB, eventually publishing them in book form. These are probably the largest programs ever published in a readable form.

Other Tools

Numerous tools have been developed based on Knuth's initial work. A relatively complete survey is available at sites like Literate Programming, and the OASIS XML Cover Pages: Literate Programming with SGML and XML.

The immediate predecessors to this pyWeb tool are FunnelWeb, noweb and nuweb. The ideas lifted from these other tools created the foundation for pyWeb.

There are several Python-oriented literate programming tools. These include LEO, interscript, lpy, py2html, PyLit.

The FunnelWeb tool is independent of any programming language and only mildly dependent on TeX. It has 19 commands, many of which duplicate features of HTML or LaTeX.

The noweb tool was written by Norman Ramsey. This tool uses a sophisticated multi-processing framework, via Unix pipes, to permit flexible manipulation of the source file to tangle and weave the programming language and documentation markup files.

The nuweb Simple Literate Programming Tool was developed by Preston Briggs ( His work was supported by ARPA, through ONR grant N00014-91-J-1989. It is written in C, and very focused on producing LaTeX documents. It can produce HTML, but this is clearly added after the fact. It cannot be easily extended, and is not object-oriented.

The LEO tool is a structured GUI editor for creating source. It uses XML and noweb-style chunk management. It is more than a simple weave and tangle tool.

The interscript tool is very large and sophisticated, but doesn't gracefully tolerate HTML markup in the document. It can create a variety of markup languages from the interscript source, making it suitable for creating HTML as well as LaTeX.

The lpy tool can produce very complex HTML representations of a Python program. It works by locating documentation markup embedded in Python comments and docstrings. This is called "inverted literate programming".

The py2html tool does very sophisticated syntax coloring.

The PyLit tool is perhaps the very best approach to simple Literate programming, since it leverages an existing lightweight markup language and it's output formatting. However, it's limited in the presentation order, making it difficult to present a complex Python module out of the proper Python required presentation.


pyWeb works with any programming language. It can work with any markup language, but is currently configured to work with RST only. This philosophy comes from FunnelWeb noweb, nuweb and interscript. The primary differences between pyWeb and other tools are the following.

  • pyWeb is object-oriented, permitting easy extension. noweb extensions are separate processes that communicate through a sophisticated protocol. nuweb is not easily extended without rewriting and recompiling the C programs.
  • pyWeb is built in the very portable Python programming language. This allows it to run anywhere that Python 3.3 runs, with only the addition of docutils. This makes it a useful tool for programmers in any language.
  • pyWeb is much simpler than FunnelWeb, LEO or Interscript. It has a very limited selection of commands, but can still produce complex programs and HTML documents.
  • pyWeb does not invent a complex markup language like Interscript. Because Iterscript has its own markup, it can generate LaTeX or HTML or other output formats from a unique input format. While powerful, it seems simpler to avoid inventing yet another sophisticated markup language. The language pyWeb uses is very simple, and the author's use their preferred markup language almost exclusively.
  • pyWeb supports the forward literate programming philosophy, where a source document creates programming language and markup language. The alternative, deriving the document from markup embedded in program comments ("inverted literate programming"), seems less appealing. The disadvantage of inverted literate programming is that the final document can't reflect the original author's preferred order of exposition, since that informtion generally isn't part of the source code.
  • pyWeb also specifically rejects some features of nuweb and FunnelWeb. These include the macro capability with parameter substitution, and multiple references to a chunk. These two capabilities can be used to grow object-like applications from non-object programming languages (e.g. C or Pascal). Since most modern languages (Python, Java, C++) are object-oriented, this macro capability is more of a problem than a help.
  • Since pyWeb is built in the Python interpreter, a source document can include Python expressions that are evaluated during weave operation to produce time stamps, source file descriptions or other information in the woven or tangled output.

pyWeb works with any programming language; it can work with any markup language. The initial release supports RST via simple templates.

The following is extensively quoted from Briggs' nuweb documentation, and provides an excellent background in the advantages of the very simple approach started by nuweb and adopted by pyWeb.

The need to support arbitrary programming languages has many consequences:

No prettyprinting:
 Both WEB and CWEB are able to prettyprint the code sections of their documents because they understand the language well enough to parse it. Since we want to use any language, we've got to abandon this feature. However, we do allow particular individual formulas or fragments of LaTeX or HTML code to be formatted and still be part of the output files.
Limited index of identifiers:
 Because WEB knows about Pascal, it is able to construct an index of all the identifiers occurring in the code sections (filtering out keywords and the standard type identifiers). Unfortunately, this isn't as easy in our case. We don't know what an identifier looks like in each language and we certainly don't know all the keywords. We provide a mechanism to mark identifiers, and we use a pretty standard pattern for recognizing identifiers almost most programming languages.

Of course, we've got to have some compensation for our losses or the whole idea would be a waste. Here are the advantages I [Briggs] can see:

Simplicity:The majority of the commands in WEB are concerned with control of the automatic prettyprinting. Since we don't prettyprint, many commands are eliminated. A further set of commands is subsumed by LaTeX and may also be eliminated. As a result, our set of commands is reduced to only about seven members (explained in the next section). This simplicity is also reflected in the size of this tool, which is quite a bit smaller than the tools used with other approaches.
No prettyprinting:
 Everyone disagrees about how their code should look, so automatic formatting annoys many people. One approach is to provide ways to control the formatting. Our approach is simpler -- we perform no automatic formatting and therefore allow the programmer complete control of code layout.
Control:We also offer the programmer reasonably complete control of the layout of his output files (the files generated during tangling). Of course, this is essential for languages that are sensitive to layout; but it is also important in many practical situations, e.g., debugging.
Speed:Since [pyWeb] doesn't do too much, it runs very quickly. It combines the functions of tangle and weave into a single program that performs both functions at once.
Chunk numbers:Inspired by the example of noweb, [pyWeb] refers to all program code chunks by a simple, ascending sequence number through the file. This becomes the HTML anchor name, also.
Multiple file output:
 The programmer may specify more than one output file in a single [pyWeb] source file. This is required when constructing programs in a combination of languages (say, Fortran and C). It's also an advantage when constructing very large programs.

Use Cases

pyWeb supports two use cases, Tangle Source Files and Weave Documentation. These are often combined into a single request of the application that will both weave and tangle.

Tangle Source Files

A user initiates this process when they have a complete .w file that contains a description of source files. These source files are described with @o commands in the .w file.

The use case is successful when the source files are produced.

Outside this use case, the user will debug those source files, possibly updating the .w file. This will lead to a need to restart this use case.

The use case is a failure when the source files cannot be produced, due to errors in the .w file. These must be corrected based on information in log messages.

The sequence is simply ./ *theFile*.w.

Weave Documentation

A user initiates this process when they have a .w file that contains a description of a document to produce. The document is described by the entire .w file.

The use case is successful when the documentation file is produced.

Outside this use case, the user will edit the documentation file, possibly updating the .w file. This will lead to a need to restart this use case.

The use case is a failure when the documentation file cannot be produced, due to errors in the .w file. These must be corrected based on information in log messages.

The sequence is simply ./ *theFile*.w.

Tangle, Regression Test and Weave

A user initiates this process when they have a .w file that contains a description of a document to produce. The document is described by the entire .w file. Further, their final document should include regression test output from the source files created by the tangle operation.

The use case is successful when the documentation file is produced, including current regression test output.

Outside this use case, the user will edit the documentation file, possibly updating the .w file. This will lead to a need to restart this use case.

The use case is a failure when the documentation file cannot be produced, due to errors in the .w file. These must be corrected based on information in log messages.

The use case is a failure when the documentation file does not include current regression test output.

The sequence is as follows:

./ -xw -pi theFile.w
python theTest >aLog
./ -xt theFile.w

The first step excludes weaving and permits errors on the @i command. The -pi option is necessary in the event that the log file does not yet exist. The second step runs the regression test, creating a log file. The third step weaves the final document, including the regression test output.

Writing pyWeb .w Files

The essence of literate programming is a markup language that distinguishes code from documentation. For tangling, the code is relevant. For weaving, both code and documentation are relevant.

The pyWeb markup defines a sequence of Chunks. Each Chunk is either program source code to be tangled or it is documentation to be woven. The bulk of the file is typically documentation chunks that describe the program in some human-oriented markup language like RST, HTML, or LaTeX.

The pyWeb tool parses the input, and performs the tangle and weave operations. It tangles each individual output file from the program source chunks. It weaves a final documentation file file from the entire sequence of chunks provided, mixing the author's original documentation with some markup around the embedded program source.

pyWeb markup surrounds the code with tags. Everything else is documentation. When tangling, the tagged code is assembled into the final file. When weaving, the tags are replaced with output markup. This means that pyWeb is not totally independent of the output markup.

The code chunks will have their indentation adjusted to match the context in which they were originally defined. This assures that Python (which relies on indentation) parses correctly. For other languages, proper indentation is expected but not required.

The non-code chunks are not transformed up in any way. Everything that's not explicitly a code chunk is simply output without modification.

All of the pyWeb tags begin with @. This can be changed.

The Structural tags (historically called "major commands") partition the input and define the various chunks. The Inline tags are (called "minor commands") are used to control the woven and tangled output from those chunks. There are Content tags which generate summary cross-reference content in woven files.

Structural Tags

There are two definitional tags; these define the various chunks in an input file.

@o file @{ text @}

The @o (output) command defines a named output file chunk. The text is tangled to the named file with no alteration. It is woven into the document in an appropriate fixed-width font.

There are options available to specify comment conventions for the tangled output; this allows inclusion of source line numbers.

@d name @{ text @}

The @d (define) command defines a named chunk of program source. This text is tangled or woven when it is referenced by the reference inline tag.

There are options available to specify the indentation for this particular chunk. In rare cases, it can be helpful to override the indentation context.

Each @o and @d tag is followed by a chunk which is delimited by @{ and @} tags. At the end of that chunk, there is an optional "major" tag.


A chunk may define user identifiers. The list of defined identifiers is placed in the chunk, separated by the @| separator.

Additionally, these tags provide for the inclusion of additional input files. This is necessary for decomposing a long document into easy-to-edit sections.

@i file

The @i (include) command includes another file. The previous chunk is ended. The file is processed completely, then a new chunk is started for the text after the @i command.

All material that is not explicitly in a @o or @d named chunk is implicitly collected into a sequence of anonymous document source chunks. These anonymous chunks form the backbone of the document that is woven. The anonymous chunks are never tangled into output program source files. They are woven into the document without any alteration.

Note that white space (line breaks ('\n'), tabs and spaces) have no effect on the input parsing. They are completely preserved on output.

The following example has three chunks:

Some RST-format documentation that describes the following piece of the

import math
print( math.pi )
@| math math.pi

Some more RST documentation.

This starts with an anonymous chunk of documentation. It includes a named output chunk which will write to It ends with an anonymous chunk of documentation.

Inline Tags

There are several tags that are replaced by content in the woven output.


The @@ command creates a single @ in the output file. This is replaced in tangled as well as woven output.


The name references a named chunk. When tangling, the referenced chunk replaces the reference command. When weaving, a reference marker is used. For example, in RST, this can be replaced with RST `reference`_ markup. Note that the indentation prior to the @< tag is preserved for the tangled chunk that replaces the tag.

@(Python expression@)

The Python expression is evaluated and the result is tangled or woven in place. A few global variables and modules are available. These are described in Expression Context.

Content Tags

There are three index creation tags that are replaced by content in the woven output.


The @f command inserts a file cross reference. This lists the name of each file created by an @o command, and all of the various chunks that are concatenated to create this file.


The @m command inserts a named chunk ("macro") cross reference. This lists the name of each chunk created by a @d command, and all of the various chunks that are concatenated to create the complete chunk.


The @u command inserts a user identifier cross reference. This index lists the name of each chunk created by an @d command or @|, and all of the various chunks that are concatenated to create the complete chunk.

Additional Features

Sequence Numbers. The named chunks (from both @o and @d commands) are assigned unique sequence numbers to simplify cross references.

Case Sensitive. Chunk names and file names are case sensitive.

Abbreviations. Chunk names can be abbreviated. A partial name can have a trailing ellipsis (...), this will be resolved to the full name. The most typical use for this is shown in the following example:

Some RST-format documentation.

@<imports of the various packages used>
print( math.pi,time.time() )

Some notes on the packages used.

@d imports...
import math,time
@| math time

Some more RST-format documentation.

This example shows five chunks.

  1. An anonymous chunk of documentation.
  2. A named chunk that tangles the output. It has a reference to the imports of the various packages used chunk. Note that the full name of the chunk is essentially a line of documentation, traditionally done as a comment line in a non-literate programming environment.
  3. An anonymous chunk of documentation.
  4. A named chunk with an abbreviated name. The imports... matches the name imports of the various packages used. Set off after the @| separator is the list of user-specified identifiers defined in this chunk.
  5. An anonymous chunk of documentation.

Note that the first time a name appears (in a reference or definition), it must be the full name. All subsequent uses can be elisions. Also not that ambiguous elision is an annoying problem when you first start creating a document.

Concatenation. Named chunks are concatenated from their various pieces. This allows a named chunk to be broken into several pieces, simplifying the description. This is most often used when producing fairly complex output files.

An anonymous chunk with some RST documentation.

import math,time

Some notes on the packages used.

print math.pi,time.time()

Some more HTML documentation.

This example shows five chunks.

  1. An anonymous chunk of documentation.
  2. A named chunk that tangles the output. It has the first part of the file. In the woven document this is marked with "=".
  3. An anonymous chunk of documentation.
  4. A named chunk that also tangles the output. This chunk's content is appended to the first chunk. In the woven document this is marked with "+=".
  5. An anonymous chunk of documentation.

Newline Preservation. Newline characters are preserved on input. Because of this the output may appear to have excessive newlines. In all of the above examples, each named chunk was defined with the following.

import math,time

This puts a newline character before and after the import line.

Controlling Indentation

We have two choices in indentation:

  • Context-Sensitive.
  • Consistent.

If we have context-sensitive indentation, then the indentation of a chunk reference is applied to the entire chunk when expanded in place of the reference. This makes it simpler to prepare source for languages (like Python) where indentation is important.

There are cases, however, when this is not desirable. There are some places in Python where we want to create long, triple-quoted strings with indentation that does not follow the prevailing indentations of the surrounding code.

Here's how the context-sensitive indentation works.

def aFunction( a, b ):
    @<body of aFunction@>
@| aFunction @}

@d body...
"""doc string"""
return a + b

The tangled output from this will look like the following. All of the newline characters are preserved, and the reference to body of the aFunction is indented to match the prevailing indent where it was referenced. In the following example, explicit line markers of ~ are provided to make the blank lines more obvious.

~def aFunction( a, b ):
~    """doc string"""
~    return a + b

[The @| command shows that this chunk defines the identifier aFunction.]

This leads to a difficult design choice.

  • Do we use context-sensitive indentation without any exceptions? This is the current implementation.

  • Do we use consistent indentation and require the author to get it right? This seems to make Python awkward, since we might indent our outdent a @< name @> command, expecting the chunk to indent properly.

  • Do we use context-sensitive indentation with an exception indicator? This seems to go against the utter simplicity we're cribbing from noweb. However, it makes a great deal of sense to add an option for @d chunks to supersede context-sensitive indentation. The author must then get it right.

    The syntax to define a section looks like this:

@d -noindent some chunk name
@{First partial line
More that uses """

We might reference such a section like this.

@d some bigger chunk...
    @<some chunk name@>

This will include the -noindent section by resetting the contextual indentation to zero. The First partial line line will be output after the four spaces provided by the some bigger chunk context.

After the first newline (More that uses """) will be at the left margin.

Tracking Source Line Numbers

Since the tangled output files are -- well -- tangled, it can be difficult to trace back from a Python error stack to the original line in the .w file that needs to be fixed.

To facilitate this, there is a two-step operation to get more detailed information on how tangling worked.

  1. Use the -n command-line option to get line numbers.
  2. Include comment indicators on the @o commands that define output files.

The expanded syntax for @o looks like this.

@o -start /* -end / page-layout.css
*Some CSS code

We've added two options: -start /* and -end */ which define comment start and end syntax. This will lead to comments embedded in the tangled output which contain source line numbers for every (every!) chunk.

Expression Context

There are two possible implementations for evaluation of a Python expression in the input.

  1. Create an ExpressionCommand, and append this to the current Chunk. This will allow evaluation during weave processing and during tangle processing. This makes the entire weave (or tangle) context available to the expression, including completed cross reference information.
  2. Evaluate the expression during input parsing, and append the resulting text as a TextCommand to the current Chunk. This provides a common result available to both weave and parse, but the only context available is the WebReader and the incomplete Web, built up to that point.

In this implementation, we adopt the latter approach, and evaluate expressions immediately. A simple global context is created with the following variables defined.

os.path:This is the standard os.path module. The complete os module is not available. Just this one item.
datetime:This is the standard datetime module.
platform:This is the standard platform module.
__builtins__:Most of the built-ins are available, too. Not all. exec(), eval(), open() and __import__() aren't available.
theLocation:A tuple with the file name, first line number and last line number for the original expression's location.
theWebReader:The WebReader instance doing the parsing.
theFile:The .w file being processed.
 The name of the running pyWeb application. It may not be, if some other script is being used.
__version__:The version string in the pyWeb application.

Running pyWeb to Tangle and Weave

Assuming that you have marked as executable, you do the following.

./ file...

This will tangle the @o commands in each file. It will also weave the output, and create file.txt.

Command Line Options

Currently, the following command line options are accepted.

-v:Verbose logging.
-s:Silent operation.
-cx:Change the command character from @ to *x*.
-wweaver:Choose a particular documentation weaver template. Currently the choices are RST and HTML.
-xw:Exclude weaving. This does tangling of source program files only.
-xt:Exclude tangling. This does weaving of the document file only.
-pcommand:Permit errors in the given list of commands. The most common version is -pi to permit errors in locating an include file. This is done in the following scenario: pass 1 uses -xw -pi to exclude weaving and permit include-file errors; the tangled program is run to create test results; pass 2 uses -xt to exclude tangling and include the test results.


pyWeb is written using pyWeb. The distribution includes the original .w files as well as a .py module.

The bootstrap procedure is this.

python pyweb.w pyweb.rst pyweb.html

The resulting pyweb.html file is the final documentation.

Similarly, the tests are bootstrapped from .w files.

cd test
python ../ pyweb_test.w
PYTHONPATH=.. python pyweb_test.rst pyweb_test.html


pyWeb requires Python 3.3 or newer.

If you create RST output, you'll want to use docutils to translate the RST to HTML or LaTeX or any of the other formats supported by docutils.


This application is very directly based on (derived from?) work that
preceded this, particularly the following:

Also, after using John Skaller's interscript for two large development efforts, I finally understood the feature set I really needed.

Jason Fruit contributed to the previous version.

Architecture and Design Overview

This application breaks the overall problem into the following sub-problems.

  1. Representation of the Web as Chunks and Commands
  2. Reading and parsing the input.
  3. Weaving a document file.
  4. Tangling the desired program source files.


The basic parse tree has three layers. The source document is transformed into a web, which is the overall container. The source is decomposed into a simple sequence of Chunks. Each Chunk is a simple sequence of Commands.

Chunks and Commands cannot be nested, leading to delightful simplification.

The overall Web includes the sequence of Chunks as well as an index for the named chunks.

Note that a named chunk may be created through a number of @d commands. This means that each named chunk may be a sequence of Chunks with a common name.

Because a Chunk is composed of a sequence Commands, the weave and tangle actions can be delegated to each Chunk, and in turn, delegated to each Command that composes a Chunk.

There is a small interaction between Tanglers and Chunks to work out the indentation. Otherwise, the output and input work is largely independent of the Web itself.

Reading and Parsing

A solution to the reading and parsing problem depends on a convenient tool for breaking up the input stream and a representation for the chunks of input. Input decomposition is done with the Python Splitter pattern.

The Splitter pattern is widely used in text processing, and has a long legacy in a variety of languages and libraries. A Splitter decomposes a string into a sequence of strings using the split pattern. There are many variant implementations. One variant locates only a single occurence (usually the left-most); this is commonly implemented as a Find or Search string function. Another variant locates all occurrences of a specific string or character, and discards the matching string or character.

The variation on Splitter that we use in this application creates each element in the resulting sequence as either (1) an instance of the split regular expression or (2) the text between split patterns.

We define our splitting pattern with the regular expression '@.|\n'. This will split on either of these patterns:

  • @ followed by a single character,
  • or, a newline.

For the most part, \n is just text. The exception is the @i filename command, which ends at the end of the line, making the \n significant syntax.

We could be a tad more specific and use the following as a split pattern: '@[doOifmu\|<>(){}\[\]]|\n'. This would silently ignore unknown commands, merging them in with the surrounding text. This would leave the '@@' sequences completely alone, allowing us to replace '@@' with '@' in every text chunk.

Within the @d and @o commands, we also parse options. These follow the syntax rules for Tcl or the shell. Optional fields are prefaced with -. All options come before all positional arguments.


The weaving operation depends on the target document markup language. There are several approaches to this problem.

  • We can use a markup language unique to pyWeb, and weave using markup in the desired target language.
  • We can use a standard markup language and use converters to transform the standard markup to the desired target markup. We could adopt XML or RST or some other generic markup that can be converted.

The problem with the second method is the mixture of background document in some standard markup and the code elements, which need to be bracketed with common templates. We hate to repeat these templates; that's the job of a literate programming tool. Also, certain code characters must be properly escaped.

Since pyWeb must transform the code into a specific markup language, we opt using a Strategy pattern to encapsulate markup language details. Each alternative markup strategy is then a subclass of Weaver. This simplifies adding additional markup languages without inventing a markup language unique to pyWeb. The author uses their preferred markup, and their preferred toolset to convert to other output languages.

The templates used to wrap code sections can be tweaked relatively easily.


The tangling operation produces output files. In other tools, some care was taken to understand the source code context for tangling, and provide a correct indentation. This required a command-line parameter to turn off indentation for languages like Fortran, where identation is not used.

In pyWeb, there are two options. The default behavior is that the indent of a @< command is used to set the indent of the material is expanded in place of this reference. If all @< commands are presented at the left margin, no indentation will be done. This is helpful simplification, particularly for users of Python, where indentation is significant.

In rare cases, we might need both, and a @d chunk can override the indentation rule to force the material to be placed at the left margin.


The overall application has two layers to it. There are actions (Load, Tangle, Weave) as well as a top-level application that parses the command line, creates and configures the actions, and then closes up shop when all done.

The idea is that the Weaver Action should fit with SCons Builder. We can see Weave( "someFile.w" ) as sensible. Tangling is tougher because the @o commands define the file dependencies there.


The implementation is contained in a file that both defines the base classes and provides an overall main() function. The main() function uses these base classes to weave and tangle the output files.

The broad outline of the presentation is as follows:

Base Class Definitions

There are the core classes that define the enduring application objects. These form fairly complex hierarchies.

  • Commands. A Command contains user input and creates output. This can be a block of text from the input file, one of the various kinds of cross reference commands (@f, @m, or @u) or a reference to a chunk (via the @<name@> sequence.)
  • Chunks. A Chunk is a collection of Command instances. This can be either an anonymous chunk that will be sent directly to the output, or one the classes of named chunks delimited by the structural @d or @o commands.

There are classes for reading the input. These don't form a complex hierarchy.

The Web as a whole is a collection of Chunk instances. It's built by a WebReader which uses a Tokenizer.

There is a hierarchy for the various kinds of output.

  • Emitters. An Emitter creates an output file, either tangled code or some kind of markup from the chunks that make up the source file. Two major subclasses are the Weaver, which has a focus on markup output, and Tangler which has a focus on pure source output.

    We have further specialization of the weavers for RST, HTML or LaTeX. The issue is generating proper markup to surround the code and include cross-references among code blocks. A number of simple templates are used for this.

  • Reference Strategy. We can have references resolved transitively or simply. A transitive reference becomes a list of parent @d NamedChunk instances.

Hovering at the edge of the base class definitions is the Action Class Hierarchy. It's not an essential part of the base class definitions. But it doesn't seem to fit elsewhere

Base Class Definitions (1) =

→Error class - defines the errors raised (94)
→Command class hierarchy - used to describe individual commands (76)
→Chunk class hierarchy - used to describe input chunks (51)
→Web class - describes the overall "web" of chunks (95)
→Tokenizer class - breaks input into tokens (132)
→Option Parser class - locates optional values on commands (134), →(135)
→WebReader class - parses the input file, building the Web structure (114)
→Emitter class hierarchy - used to control output files (2)
→Reference class hierarchy - strategies for references to a chunk (91), →(92), →(93)

→Action class hierarchy - used to describe basic actions of the application (136)

Base Class Definitions (1). Used by: (153)


An Emitter instance is resposible for control of an output file format. This includes the necessary file naming, opening, writing and closing operations. It also includes providing the correct markup for the file type.

There are several subclasses of the Emitter superclass, specialized for various file formats.

Emitter class hierarchy - used to control output files (2) =

→Emitter superclass (3)
→Weaver subclass of Emitter to create documentation (12)
→RST subclass of Weaver (22)
→LaTeX subclass of Weaver (23)
→HTML subclass of Weaver (31), →(32)
→Tangler subclass of Emitter to create source files with no markup (43)
→TanglerMake subclass which is make-sensitive (48)

Emitter class hierarchy - used to control output files (2). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

An Emitter instance is created to contain the various details of writing an output file. Emitters are created as follows:

  • A Web object will create a Weaver to weave the final document.
  • A Web object will create a Tangler to tangle each file.

Since each Emitter instance is responsible for the details of one file type, different subclasses of Emitter are used when tangling source code files (Tangler) and weaving files that include source code plus markup (Weaver).

Further specialization is required when weaving HTML or LaTeX. Generally, this is a matter of providing three things:

  • Boilerplate text to replace various pyWeb constructs,
  • Escape rules to make source code amenable to the markup language,
  • A header to provide overall includes or other setup.

An additional part of the escape rules can include using a syntax coloring toolset instead of simply applying escapes.

In the case of tangle, the following algorithm is used:

Visit each each output Chunk (@o), doing the following:

  1. Open the Tangler instance using the target file name.
  2. Visit each Chunk directed to the file, calling the chunk's tangle() method.
    1. Call the Tangler's docBegin() method. This sets the Tangler's indents.
    2. Visit each Command, call the command's tangle() method. For the text of the chunk, the text is written to the tangler using the codeBlock() method. For references to other chunks, the referenced chunk is tangled using the referenced chunk's tangler() method.
    3. Call the Tangler's docEnd() method. This clears the Tangler's indents.

In the case of weave, the following algorithm is used:

  1. Open the Weaver instance using the source file name. This name is transformed by the weaver to an output file name appropriate to the language.
  2. Visit each each sequential Chunk (anonymous, @d or @o), doing the following:
    1. Visit each Chunk, calling the Chunk's weave() method.
      1. Call the Weaver's docBegin(), fileBegin() or codeBegin() method, depending on the subclass of Chunk. For fileBegin() and codeBegin(), this writes the header for a code chunk in the weaver's markup language.
      2. Visit each Command, call the Command's weave() method. For ordinary text, the text is written to the Weaver using the codeBlock() method. For references to other chunks, the referenced chunk is woven using the Weaver's referenceTo() method.
      3. Call the Weaver's docEnd(), fileEnd() or codeEnd() method. For fileEnd() or codeEnd(), this writes a trailer for a code chunk in the Weaver's markup language.

Emitter Superclass

The Emitter class is not a concrete class; it is never instantiated. It contains common features factored out of the Weaver and Tangler subclasses.

Inheriting from the Emitter class generally requires overriding one or more of the core methods: doOpen(), and doClose(). A subclass of Tangler, might override the code writing methods: quote(), codeBlock() or codeFinish().

The Emitter class defines the basic framework used to create and write to an output file. This class follows the Template design pattern. This design pattern directs us to factor the basic open(), close() and write() methods into two step algorithms.

def open( self ):
    common preparation
    self.doOpen() #overridden by subclasses
    return self

The common preparation section is generally internal housekeeping. The doOpen() method would be overridden by subclasses to change the basic behavior.

The class has the following attributes:

fileName:the name of the current open file created by the open method
theFile:the current open file created by the open method
linesWritten:the total number of '\n' characters written to the file
totalFiles:count of total number of files
totalLines:count of total number of lines

Additionally, an emitter tracks an indentation context used by The codeBlock() method to indent each line written.

context:the indentation context stack, updated by addIndent(), clrIndent() and readdIndent() methods.
lastIndent:the last indent used after writing a line of source code
fragment:the last line written was a fragment and needs a '\n'.
code_indent:Any initial code indent. RST weavers needs additional code indentation. Other weavers don't care. Tanglers must have this set to zero.

Emitter superclass (3) =

class Emitter:
    """Emit an output file; handling indentation context."""
    code_indent= 0 # Used by a Tangler
    def __init__( self ):
        self.fileName= ""
        self.theFile= None
        self.linesWritten= 0
        self.totalFiles= 0
        self.totalLines= 0
        self.fragment= False
        self.logger= logging.getLogger( self.__class__.__qualname__ )
        self.log_indent= logging.getLogger( "indent." + self.__class__.__qualname__ )
        self.readdIndent( self.code_indent ) # Create context and initial lastIndent values
    def __str__( self ):
        return self.__class__.__name__
    →Emitter core open, close and write (4)
    →Emitter write a block of code (7), →(8), →(9)
    →Emitter indent control: set, clear and reset (10)

Emitter superclass (3). Used by: Emitter class hierarchy... (2)

The core open() method tracks the open files. A subclass overrides a doOpen() method to name the output file, and then actually open the file. The Weaver will create an output file with a name that's based on the overall project. The Tangler will open the given file name.

The close() method closes the file. As with open(), a doClose() method actually closes the file. This allows subclasses to do overrides on the actual file processing.

The write() method is the lowest-level, unadorned write. This does some additional counting as well as writing the characters to the file.

Emitter core open, close and write (4) =

def open( self, aFile ):
    """Open a file."""
    self.fileName= aFile
    self.linesWritten= 0
    self.doOpen( aFile )
    return self
→Emitter doOpen, to be overridden by subclasses (5)
def close( self ):
    self.codeFinish() # Trailing newline for tangler only.
    self.totalFiles += 1
    self.totalLines += self.linesWritten
→Emitter doClose, to be overridden by subclasses (6)
def write( self, text ):
    if text is None: return
    self.linesWritten += text.count('\n')
    self.theFile.write( text )

# Context Manager
def __enter__( self ):
    return self
def __exit__( self, *exc ):
    return False

Emitter core open, close and write (4). Used by: Emitter superclass (3)

The doOpen(), and doClose() methods are overridden by the various subclasses to perform the unique operation for the subclass.

Emitter doOpen, to be overridden by subclasses (5) =

def doOpen( self, aFile ):
    self.logger.debug( "creating {!r}".format(self.fileName) )

Emitter doOpen, to be overridden by subclasses (5). Used by: Emitter core... (4)

Emitter doClose, to be overridden by subclasses (6) =

def doClose( self ):
    self.logger.debug( "wrote {:d} lines to {!s}".format(
        self.linesWritten, self.fileName) )

Emitter doClose, to be overridden by subclasses (6). Used by: Emitter core... (4)

The codeBlock() method writes several lines of code. It calls the quote() method to quote each line of code after doing the correct indentation. Often, the last line of code is incomplete, so it is left unterminated. This last line of code also sets the indentation for any additional code to be tangled into this section.


Tab characters confuse the indent algorithm. Tabs are not expanded to spaces in this application. They should be expanded prior to creating a .w file.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Save the topmost value of the context stack as the current indent.

  2. Split the block of text on '\n' boundaries. There are two cases.

    • One line only, no newline.

      Write this with the saved lastIndent. The lastIndent is reset to zero since we've only written a fragmentary line.

    • Multiple lines.

      1. Write the first line with saved lastIndent.

      2. For each remaining line (except the last), write with the indented text, ending with a newline.

      3. The string split() method will put a trailing zero-length element in the list if the original block ended with a newline. We drop this zero length piece to prevent writing a useless fragment of indent-only after the final '\n'.

      4. If the last line has content: Write with the indented text, but do not write a trailing '\n'. Set lastIndent to zero because the next codeBlock() will continue this fragmentary line.

        If the last line has no content: Write nothing. Save the length of the last line as the most recent indent for any @<name@> reference to.

This feels a bit too complex. Indentation is a feature of a tangling a reference to a NamedChunk. It's not really a general feature of emitters or even tanglers.

Emitter write a block of code (7) =

def codeBlock( self, text ):
    """Indented write of a block of code. We buffer
    The spaces from the last line to act as the indent for the next line.
    indent= self.context[-1]
    lines= text.split( '\n' )
    if len(lines) == 1: # Fragment with no newline.
        self.write('{!s}{!s}'.format(self.lastIndent*' ', lines[0]) )
        self.lastIndent= 0
        self.fragment= True
        first, rest= lines[:1], lines[1:]
        self.write('{!s}{!s}\n'.format(self.lastIndent*' ', first[0]) )
        for l in rest[:-1]:
            self.write( '{!s}{!s}\n'.format(indent*' ', l) )
        if rest[-1]:
            self.write( '{!s}{!s}'.format(indent*' ', rest[-1]) )
            self.lastIndent= 0
            self.fragment= True
            # Buffer a next indent
            self.lastIndent= len(rest[-1]) + indent
            self.fragment= False

Emitter write a block of code (7). Used by: Emitter superclass (3)

The quote() method quotes a single line of source code. This is used by Weaver subclasses to transform source into a form acceptable by the final weave file format.

In the case of an HTML weaver, the HTML reserved characters -- <, >, &, and " -- must be replaced in the output of code with &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, and &quot;. However, since the author's original document sections contain HTML these will not be altered.

Emitter write a block of code (8) +=

quoted_chars = [
    # Must be empty for tangling.

def quote( self, aLine ):
    """Each individual line of code; often overridden by weavers to quote the code."""
    clean= aLine
    for from_, to_ in self.quoted_chars:
        clean= clean.replace( from_, to_ )
    return clean

Emitter write a block of code (8). Used by: Emitter superclass (3)

The codeFinish() method handles a trailing fragmentary line when tangling.

Emitter write a block of code (9) +=

def codeFinish( self ):
    if self.fragment:

Emitter write a block of code (9). Used by: Emitter superclass (3)

These three methods are used when to be sure that the included text is indented correctly with respect to the surrounding text.

The addIndent() method pushes the next indent on the context stack using an increment to the previous indent.

When tangling, a "previous" value is set from the indent left over from the previous command. This allows @<name@> references to be indented properly. A tangle must track all nested @d contexts to create a proper global indent.

Weaving, however, is entirely localized to the block of code. There's no real context tracking. Just "lastIndent" from the previous command's codeBlock().

The setIndent() pushes a fixed indent instead adding an increment.

The clrIndent() method discards the most recent indent from the context stack. This is used when finished tangling a source chunk. This restores the indent to the prevailing indent.

The readdIndent() method removes all indent context information and resets the indent to a default.

Weaving may use an initial offset. It's an additional indent for woven code; not used for tangled code. In particular, RST requires this. readdIndent() uses this initial offset for weaving.

Emitter indent control: set, clear and reset (10) =

def addIndent( self, increment ):
    self.lastIndent= self.context[-1]+increment
    self.context.append( self.lastIndent )
    self.log_indent.debug( "addIndent {!s}: {!r}".format(increment, self.context) )
def setIndent( self, indent ):
    self.lastIndent= self.context[-1]
    self.context.append( indent )
    self.log_indent.debug( "setIndent {!s}: {!r}".format(indent, self.context) )
def clrIndent( self ):
    if len(self.context) > 1:
    self.lastIndent= self.context[-1]
    self.log_indent.debug( "clrIndent {!r}".format(self.context) )
def readdIndent( self, indent=0 ):
    self.lastIndent= indent
    self.context= [self.lastIndent]
    self.log_indent.debug( "readdIndent {!s}: {!r}".format(indent, self.context) )

Emitter indent control: set, clear and reset (10). Used by: Emitter superclass (3)

Weaver subclass of Emitter

A Weaver is an Emitter that produces the final user-focused document. This will include the source document with the code blocks surrounded by markup to present that code properly. In effect, the pyWeb @ commands are replaced by markup.

The Weaver class uses a simple set of templates to product RST markup as the default Subclasses can introduce other templates to produce HTML or LaTeX output.

Most Weaver languages don't rely on special indentation rules. The woven code samples usually start right on the left margin of the source document. However, the RST markup language does rely on extra indentation of code blocks. For that reason, the weavers have an additional indent for code blocks. This is generally set to zero, except when generating RST where 4 spaces is good.

The Weaver subclass extends an Emitter to weave the final documentation. This involves decorating source code to make it displayable. It also involves creating references and cross references among the various chunks.

The Weaver class adds several methods to the basic Emitter methods. These additional methods are also included that are used exclusively when weaving, never when tangling.

This class hierarch depends heavily on the string module.

Class-level variables include the following

extension:The filename extension used by this weaver.
code_indent:The number of spaces to indent code to separate code blocks from surrounding text. Mostly this is used by RST where a non-zero value is required.
header:Any additional header material this weaver requires.

Instance-level configuration values:

 Either an instance of TransitiveReference() or SimpleReference()

Imports (11) =

import string

Imports (11). Used by: (153)

Weaver subclass of Emitter to create documentation (12) =

class Weaver( Emitter ):
    """Format various types of XRef's and code blocks when weaving.
    RST format.
    Requires ``..  include:: <isoamsa.txt>``
    and      ``..  include:: <isopub.txt>``
    extension= ".rst"
    code_indent= 4
    header= """\n..  include:: <isoamsa.txt>\n..  include:: <isopub.txt>\n"""

    def __init__( self ):
        self.reference_style= None # Must be configured.

    →Weaver doOpen, doClose and addIndent overrides (13)

    # Template Expansions.

    →Weaver quoted characters (14)
    →Weaver document chunk begin-end (15)
    →Weaver reference summary, used by code chunk and file chunk (16)
    →Weaver code chunk begin-end (17)
    →Weaver file chunk begin-end (18)
    →Weaver reference command output (19)
    →Weaver cross reference output methods (20), →(21)

Weaver subclass of Emitter to create documentation (12). Used by: Emitter class hierarchy... (2)

The doOpen() method opens the file for writing. For weavers, the file extension is specified part of the target markup language being created.

The doClose() method extends the Emitter class close() method by closing the actual file created by the open() method.

The addIndent() reflects the fact that we're not tracking global indents, merely the local indentation required to weave a code chunk. The "indent" can vary because we're not always starting a fresh line with weaveReferenceTo().

Weaver doOpen, doClose and addIndent overrides (13) =

def doOpen( self, basename ):
    self.fileName= basename + self.extension "Weaving {!r}".format(self.fileName) )
    self.theFile= open( self.fileName, "w" )
    self.readdIndent( self.code_indent )
def doClose( self ):
    self.theFile.close() "Wrote {:d} lines to {!r}".format(
        self.linesWritten, self.fileName) )
def addIndent( self, increment=0 ):
    """increment not used when weaving"""
    self.context.append( self.context[-1] )
    self.log_indent.debug( "addIndent {!s}: {!r}".format(self.lastIndent, self.context) )
def codeFinish( self ):
    pass # Not needed when weaving

Weaver doOpen, doClose and addIndent overrides (13). Used by: Weaver subclass of Emitter... (12)

This is an overly simplistic list. We use the parsed-literal directive because we're including links and what-not in the code. We have to quote certain inline markup -- but only when the characters are paired in a way that might confuse RST.

We really should use patterns like `.*?`, _.*?_, \*.*?\*, and \|.*?\| to look for paired RST inline markup and quote just these special character occurrences.

Weaver quoted characters (14) =

quoted_chars = [
    # prevent some RST markup from being recognized
    ('\\',r'\\'), # Must be first.

Weaver quoted characters (14). Used by: Weaver subclass of Emitter... (12)

The remaining methods apply a chunk to a template.

The docBegin() and docEnd() methods are used when weaving a document text chunk. Typically, nothing is done before emitting these kinds of chunks. However, putting a .. line line number RST comment is an example of possible additional processing.

Weaver document chunk begin-end (15) =

def docBegin( self, aChunk ):
def docEnd( self, aChunk ):

Weaver document chunk begin-end (15). Used by: Weaver subclass of Emitter... (12)

Each code chunk includes the places where the chunk is referenced.


This may be one of the rare places where for... else: could be the correct statement.

Currently, something more complex is used.

Weaver reference summary, used by code chunk and file chunk (16) =

ref_template = string.Template( "${refList}" )
ref_separator = "; "
ref_item_template = string.Template( "$fullName (`${seq}`_)" )
def references( self, aChunk ):
    references= aChunk.references_list( self )
    if len(references) != 0:
        refList= [
            self.ref_item_template.substitute( seq=s, fullName=n )
            for n,s in references ]
        return self.ref_template.substitute( refList=self.ref_separator.join( refList ) )
        return ""

Weaver reference summary, used by code chunk and file chunk (16). Used by: Weaver subclass of Emitter... (12)

The codeBegin() method emits the necessary material prior to a chunk of source code, defined with the @d command.

The codeEnd() method emits the necessary material subsequent to a chunk of source code, defined with the @d command. Links or cross references to chunks that refer to this chunk can be emitted.

Weaver code chunk begin-end (17) =

cb_template = string.Template( "\n..  _`${seq}`:\n..  rubric:: ${fullName} (${seq}) ${concat}\n..  parsed-literal::\n    :class: code\n\n" )

def codeBegin( self, aChunk ):
    txt = self.cb_template.substitute(
        seq= aChunk.seq,
        lineNumber= aChunk.lineNumber,
        fullName= aChunk.fullName,
        concat= "=" if aChunk.initial else "+=", # RST Separator
    self.write( txt )

ce_template = string.Template( "\n..\n\n    ..  class:: small\n\n        |loz| *${fullName} (${seq})*. Used by: ${references}\n" )

def codeEnd( self, aChunk ):
    txt = self.ce_template.substitute(
        seq= aChunk.seq,
        lineNumber= aChunk.lineNumber,
        fullName= aChunk.fullName,
        references= self.references( aChunk ),

Weaver code chunk begin-end (17). Used by: Weaver subclass of Emitter... (12)

The fileBegin() method emits the necessary material prior to a chunk of source code, defined with the @o command. A subclass would override this to provide specific text for the intended file type.

The fileEnd() method emits the necessary material subsequent to a chunk of source code, defined with the @o command.

There shouldn't be a list of references to a file. We assert that this list is always empty.

Weaver file chunk begin-end (18) =

fb_template = string.Template( "\n..  _`${seq}`:\n..  rubric:: ${fullName} (${seq}) ${concat}\n..  parsed-literal::\n    :class: code\n\n" )

def fileBegin( self, aChunk ):
    txt= self.fb_template.substitute(
        seq= aChunk.seq,
        lineNumber= aChunk.lineNumber,
        fullName= aChunk.fullName,
        concat= "=" if aChunk.initial else "+=", # RST Separator
    self.write( txt )

fe_template= string.Template( "\n..\n\n    ..  class:: small\n\n        |loz| *${fullName} (${seq})*.\n" )

def fileEnd( self, aChunk ):
    assert len(self.references( aChunk )) == 0
    txt= self.fe_template.substitute(
        seq= aChunk.seq,
        lineNumber= aChunk.lineNumber,
        fullName= aChunk.fullName,
        references= [] )
    self.write( txt )

Weaver file chunk begin-end (18). Used by: Weaver subclass of Emitter... (12)

The referenceTo() method emits a reference to a chunk of source code. There reference is made with a @<name@> reference within a @d or @o chunk. The references are defined with the @d or @o commands. A subclass would override this to provide specific text for the intended file type.

The referenceSep() method emits a separator to be used in a sequence of references. It's usually a ", ", but that might be changed to a simple " " because it looks better.

Weaver reference command output (19) =

refto_name_template= string.Template(r"|srarr|\ ${fullName} (`${seq}`_)")
refto_seq_template= string.Template("|srarr|\ (`${seq}`_)")
refto_seq_separator= ", "

def referenceTo( self, aName, seq ):
    """Weave a reference to a chunk.
    Provide name to get a full reference.
    name=None to get a short reference."""
    if aName:
        return self.refto_name_template.substitute( fullName= aName, seq= seq )
        return self.refto_seq_template.substitute( seq= seq )

def referenceSep( self ):
    """Separator between references."""
    return self.refto_seq_separator

Weaver reference command output (19). Used by: Weaver subclass of Emitter... (12)

The xrefHead() method puts decoration in front of cross-reference output. A subclass may override this to change the look of the final woven document.

The xrefFoot() method puts decoration after cross-reference output. A subclass may override this to change the look of the final woven document.

The xrefLine() method is used for both file and chunk ("macro") cross-references to show a name (either file name or chunk name) and a list of chunks that reference the file or chunk.

The xrefDefLine() method is used for the user identifier cross-reference. This shows a name and a list of chunks that reference or define the name. One of the chunks is identified as the defining chunk, all others are referencing chunks.

An xrefEmpty() is used in the rare case of no user identifiers present.

The default behavior simply writes the Python data structure used to represent cross reference information. A subclass may override this to change the look of the final woven document.

Weaver cross reference output methods (20) =

xref_head_template = string.Template( "\n" )
xref_foot_template = string.Template( "\n" )
xref_item_template = string.Template( ":${fullName}:\n    ${refList}\n" )
xref_empty_template = string.Template( "(None)\n" )

def xrefHead( self ):
    txt = self.xref_head_template.substitute()
    self.write( txt )

def xrefFoot( self ):
    txt = self.xref_foot_template.substitute()
    self.write( txt )

def xrefLine( self, name, refList ):
    refList= [ self.referenceTo( None, r ) for r in refList ]
    txt= self.xref_item_template.substitute( fullName= name, refList = " ".join(refList) ) # RST Separator
    self.write( txt )

def xrefEmpty( self ):
    self.write( self.xref_empty_template.substitute() )

Weaver cross reference output methods (20). Used by: Weaver subclass of Emitter... (12)

Cross-reference definition line

Weaver cross reference output methods (21) +=

name_def_template = string.Template( '[`${seq}`_]' )
name_ref_template = string.Template( '`${seq}`_' )

def xrefDefLine( self, name, defn, refList ):
    templates = { defn: self.name_def_template }
    refTxt= [ templates.get(r,self.name_ref_template).substitute( seq= r )
        for r in sorted( refList + [defn] )
    # Generic space separator
    txt= self.xref_item_template.substitute( fullName= name, refList = " ".join(refTxt) )
    self.write( txt )

Weaver cross reference output methods (21). Used by: Weaver subclass of Emitter... (12)

RST subclass of Weaver

A degenerate case. This slightly simplifies the configuration and makes the output look a little nicer.

RST subclass of Weaver (22) =

class RST(Weaver):

RST subclass of Weaver (22). Used by: Emitter class hierarchy... (2)

LaTeX subclass of Weaver

Experimental, at best.

An instance of LaTeX can be used by the Web object to weave an output document. The instance is created outside the Web, and given to the weave() method of the Web.

w= Web()
weave_latex= LaTeX()
w.weave( weave_latex )

Note that the template language and LaTeX both use $. This means that all $ that are intended to be output to LaTeX must appear as $$ in the template.

The LaTeX subclass defines a Weaver that is customized to produce LaTeX output of code sections and cross reference information. Its markup is pretty rudimentary, but it's also distinctive enough to function pretty well in most L!sub:AT!sub:EX documents.

LaTeX subclass of Weaver (23) =

class LaTeX( Weaver ):
    """LaTeX formatting for XRef's and code blocks when weaving.
    Requires \\usepackage{fancyvrb}
    extension= ".tex"
    code_indent= 0
    header= """\n\\usepackage{fancyvrb}\n"""

    →LaTeX code chunk begin (24)
    →LaTeX code chunk end (25)
    →LaTeX file output begin (26)
    →LaTeX file output end (27)
    →LaTeX references summary at the end of a chunk (28)
    →LaTeX write a line of code (29)
    →LaTeX reference to a chunk (30)

LaTeX subclass of Weaver (23). Used by: Emitter class hierarchy... (2)

The LaTeX open() method opens the woven file by replacing the source file's suffix with ".tex" and creating the resulting file.

The LaTeX codeBegin() template writes the header prior to a chunk of source code. It aligns the block to the left, prints an italicised header, and opens a preformatted block.

LaTeX code chunk begin (24) =

cb_template = string.Template( """\\label{pyweb${seq}}
\\textit{Code example ${fullName} (${seq})}
\\begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\\\\{\\},codes={\\catcode`$$=3\\catcode`^=7},frame=single]\n""") # Prevent indent

LaTeX code chunk begin (24). Used by: LaTeX subclass... (23)

The LaTeX codeEnd() template writes the trailer subsequent to a chunk of source code. This first closes the preformatted block and then calls the references() method to write a reference to the chunk that invokes this chunk; finally, it restores paragraph indentation.

LaTeX code chunk end (25) =

ce_template= string.Template("""
\\end{flushleft}\n""") # Prevent indentation

LaTeX code chunk end (25). Used by: LaTeX subclass... (23)

The LaTeX fileBegin() template writes the header prior to a the creation of a tangled file. Its formatting is identical to the start of a code chunk.

LaTeX file output begin (26) =

fb_template= cb_template

LaTeX file output begin (26). Used by: LaTeX subclass... (23)

The LaTeX fileEnd() template writes the trailer subsequent to a tangled file. This closes the preformatted block, calls the LaTeX references() method to write a reference to the chunk that invokes this chunk, and restores normal indentation.

LaTeX file output end (27) =

fe_template= ce_template

LaTeX file output end (27). Used by: LaTeX subclass... (23)

The references() template writes a list of references after a chunk of code. Each reference includes the example number, the title, and a reference to the LaTeX section and page numbers on which the referring block appears.

LaTeX references summary at the end of a chunk (28) =

ref_item_template = string.Template( """
\\item Code example ${fullName} (${seq}) (Sect. \\ref{pyweb${seq}}, p. \\pageref{pyweb${seq}})\n""")
ref_template = string.Template( """
Used by:

LaTeX references summary at the end of a chunk (28). Used by: LaTeX subclass... (23)

The quote() method quotes a single line of code to the weaver; since these lines are always in preformatted blocks, no special formatting is needed, except to avoid ending the preformatted block. Our one compromise is a thin space if the phrase \\end{Verbatim} is used in a code block.

LaTeX write a line of code (29) =

quoted_chars = [
    ("\\end{Verbatim}", "\\end\,{Verbatim}"), # Allow \end{Verbatim}
    ("\\{","\\\,{"), # Prevent unexpected commands in Verbatim
    ("$","\\$"), # Prevent unexpected math in Verbatim

LaTeX write a line of code (29). Used by: LaTeX subclass... (23)

The referenceTo() template writes a reference to another chunk of code. It uses write directly as to follow the current indentation on the current line of code.

LaTeX reference to a chunk (30) =

refto_name_template= string.Template("""$$\\triangleright$$ Code Example ${fullName} (${seq})""")
refto_seq_template= string.Template("""(${seq})""")

LaTeX reference to a chunk (30). Used by: LaTeX subclass... (23)

HTML subclasses of Weaver

This works, but, it's not clear that it should be kept.

An instance of HTML can be used by the Web object to weave an output document. The instance is created outside the Web, and given to the weave() method of the Web.

w= Web()
weave_html= HTML()
w.weave( weave_html )

Variations in the output formatting are accomplished by having variant subclasses of HTML. In this implementation, we have two variations: full path references, and short references. The base class produces complete reference paths; a subclass produces abbreviated references.

The HTML subclass defines a Weaver that is customized to produce HTML output of code sections and cross reference information.

All HTML chunks are identified by anchor names of the form pyweb*n*. Each n is the unique chunk number, in sequential order.

An HTMLShort subclass defines a Weaver that produces HTML output with abbreviated (no name) cross references at the end of the chunk.

HTML subclass of Weaver (31) =

class HTML( Weaver ):
    """HTML formatting for XRef's and code blocks when weaving."""
    extension= ".html"
    code_indent= 0
    header= ""
    →HTML code chunk begin (33)
    →HTML code chunk end (34)
    →HTML output file begin (35)
    →HTML output file end (36)
    →HTML references summary at the end of a chunk (37)
    →HTML write a line of code (38)
    →HTML reference to a chunk (39)
    →HTML simple cross reference markup (40)

HTML subclass of Weaver (31). Used by: Emitter class hierarchy... (2)

HTML subclass of Weaver (32) +=

class HTMLShort( HTML ):
    """HTML formatting for XRef's and code blocks when weaving with short references."""
    →HTML short references summary at the end of a chunk (42)

HTML subclass of Weaver (32). Used by: Emitter class hierarchy... (2)

The codeBegin() template starts a chunk of code, defined with @d, providing a label and HTML tags necessary to set the code off visually.

HTML code chunk begin (33) =

cb_template= string.Template("""
<a name="pyweb${seq}"></a>
<!--line number ${lineNumber}-->
<p><em>${fullName}</em> (${seq})&nbsp;${concat}</p>

HTML code chunk begin (33). Used by: HTML subclass... (31)

The codeEnd() template ends a chunk of code, providing a HTML tags necessary to finish the code block visually. This calls the references method to write the list of chunks that reference this chunk.

HTML code chunk end (34) =

ce_template= string.Template("""
<p>&loz; <em>${fullName}</em> (${seq}).

HTML code chunk end (34). Used by: HTML subclass... (31)

The fileBegin() template starts a chunk of code, defined with @o, providing a label and HTML tags necessary to set the code off visually.

HTML output file begin (35) =

fb_template= string.Template("""<a name="pyweb${seq}"></a>
<!--line number ${lineNumber}-->
<p>``${fullName}`` (${seq})&nbsp;${concat}</p>
<code><pre>\n""") # Prevent indent

HTML output file begin (35). Used by: HTML subclass... (31)

The fileEnd() template ends a chunk of code, providing a HTML tags necessary to finish the code block visually. This calls the references method to write the list of chunks that reference this chunk.

HTML output file end (36) =

fe_template= string.Template( """</pre></code>
<p>&loz; ``${fullName}`` (${seq}).

HTML output file end (36). Used by: HTML subclass... (31)

The references() template writes the list of chunks that refer to this chunk. Note that this list could be rather long because of the possibility of transitive references.

HTML references summary at the end of a chunk (37) =

ref_item_template = string.Template(
'<a href="#pyweb${seq}"><em>${fullName}</em>&nbsp;(${seq})</a>'
ref_template = string.Template( '  Used by ${refList}.'  )

HTML references summary at the end of a chunk (37). Used by: HTML subclass... (31)

The quote() method quotes an individual line of code for HTML purposes. This encodes the four basic HTML entities (<, >, &, ") to prevent code from being interpreted as HTML.

HTML write a line of code (38) =

quoted_chars = [
    ("&", "&amp;"), # Must be first
    ("<", "&lt;"),
    (">", "&gt;"),
    ('"', "&quot;"),

HTML write a line of code (38). Used by: HTML subclass... (31)

The referenceTo() template writes a reference to another chunk. It uses the direct write() method so that the reference is indented properly with the surrounding source code.

HTML reference to a chunk (39) =

refto_name_template = string.Template(
'<a href="#pyweb${seq}">&rarr;<em>${fullName}</em> (${seq})</a>'
refto_seq_template = string.Template(
'<a href="#pyweb${seq}">(${seq})</a>'

HTML reference to a chunk (39). Used by: HTML subclass... (31)

The xrefHead() method writes the heading for any of the cross reference blocks created by @f, @m, or @u. In this implementation, the cross references are simply unordered lists.

The xrefFoot() method writes the footing for any of the cross reference blocks created by @f, @m, or @u. In this implementation, the cross references are simply unordered lists.

The xrefLine() method writes a line for the file or macro cross reference blocks created by @f or @m. In this implementation, the cross references are simply unordered lists.

HTML simple cross reference markup (40) =

xref_head_template = string.Template( "<dl>\n" )
xref_foot_template = string.Template( "</dl>\n" )
xref_item_template = string.Template( "<dt>${fullName}</dt><dd>${refList}</dd>\n" )
→HTML write user id cross reference line (41)

HTML simple cross reference markup (40). Used by: HTML subclass... (31)

The xrefDefLine() method writes a line for the user identifier cross reference blocks created by @u. In this implementation, the cross references are simply unordered lists. The defining instance is included in the correct order with the other instances, but is bold and marked with a bullet (&bull;).

HTML write user id cross reference line (41) =

name_def_template = string.Template( '<a href="#pyweb${seq}"><b>&bull;${seq}</b></a>' )
name_ref_template = string.Template( '<a href="#pyweb${seq}">${seq}</a>' )

HTML write user id cross reference line (41). Used by: HTML simple cross reference markup (40)

The HTMLShort subclass enhances the HTML class to provide short cross references. The references() method writes the list of chunks that refer to this chunk. Note that this list could be rather long because of the possibility of transitive references.

HTML short references summary at the end of a chunk (42) =

ref_item_template = string.Template( '<a href="#pyweb${seq}">(${seq})</a>' )

HTML short references summary at the end of a chunk (42). Used by: HTML subclass... (32)

Tangler subclass of Emitter

The Tangler class is concrete, and can tangle source files. An instance of Tangler is given to the Web class tangle() method.

w= Web()
t= Tangler()
w.tangle( t )

The Tangler subclass extends an Emitter to tangle the various program source files. The superclass is used to simply emit correctly indented source code and do very little else that could corrupt or alter the output.

Language-specific subclasses could be used to provide additional decoration. For example, inserting #line directives showing the line number in the original source file.

For Python, where indentation matters, the indent rules are relatively simple. The whitespace berfore a @< command is preserved as the prevailing indent for the block tangled as a replacement for the @<name@>.

There are three configurable values:

comment_start:If not None, this is the leading character for a line-number comment
comment_end:This is the trailing character for a line-number comment
 Show the source line numbers in the output via additional comments.

Tangler subclass of Emitter to create source files with no markup (43) =

class Tangler( Emitter ):
    """Tangle output files."""
    def __init__( self ):
        self.comment_start= None
        self.comment_end= ""
        self.include_line_numbers= False
    →Tangler doOpen, and doClose overrides (44)
    →Tangler code chunk begin (45)
    →Tangler code chunk end (46)

Tangler subclass of Emitter to create source files with no markup (43). Used by: Emitter class hierarchy... (2)

The default for all tanglers is to create the named file. In order to handle paths, we will examine the file name for any "/" characters and perform the required os.makedirs functions to allow creation of files with a path. We don't use Windows "\" characters, but rely on Python to handle this automatically.

This doClose() method overrides the Emitter class doClose() method by closing the actual file created by open.

Tangler doOpen, and doClose overrides (44) =

def checkPath( self ):
    if "/" in self.fileName:
        dirname, _, _ = self.fileName.rpartition("/")
            os.makedirs( dirname )
   "Creating {!r}".format(dirname) )
        except OSError as e:
            # Already exists.  Could check for errno.EEXIST.
            self.logger.debug( "Exception {!r} creating {!r}".format(e, dirname) )
def doOpen( self, aFile ):
    self.fileName= aFile
    self.theFile= open( aFile, "w" ) "Tangling {!r}".format(aFile) )
def doClose( self ):
    self.theFile.close() "Wrote {:d} lines to {!r}".format(
        self.linesWritten, self.fileName) )

Tangler doOpen, and doClose overrides (44). Used by: Tangler subclass of Emitter... (43)

The codeBegin() method starts emitting a new chunk of code. It does this by setting the Tangler's indent to the prevailing indent at the start of the @< reference command.

Tangler code chunk begin (45) =

def codeBegin( self, aChunk ):
    self.log_indent.debug( "<tangle {!s}:".format(aChunk.fullName) )
    if self.include_line_numbers and self.comment_start is not None:
        self.write( "\n{start!s} Web: {filename!s}:{line:d} {fullname!s}({seq:d}) {end!s}\n".format(
            start=  self.comment_start,
            webfilename= aChunk.web().webFileName,
            filename= aChunk.fileName,
            fullname= aChunk.fullName,
            seq= aChunk.seq,
            line= aChunk.lineNumber,
            end= self.comment_end) )

Tangler code chunk begin (45). Used by: Tangler subclass of Emitter... (43)

The codeEnd() method ends emitting a new chunk of code. It does this by resetting the Tangler's indent to the previous setting.

Tangler code chunk end (46) =

def codeEnd( self, aChunk ):
    self.log_indent.debug( ">{!s}".format(aChunk.fullName) )

Tangler code chunk end (46). Used by: Tangler subclass of Emitter... (43)

TanglerMake subclass of Tangler

The TanglerMake class is can tangle source files. An instance of TanglerMake is given to the Web class tangle() method.

w= Web()
t= TanglerMake()
w.tangle( t )

The TanglerMake subclass extends Tangler to make the source files more make-friendly. This subclass of Tangler does not touch an output file where there is no change. This is helpful when pyWeb's output is sent to make. Using TanglerMake assures that only files with real changes are rewritten, minimizing recompilation of an application for changes to the associated documentation.

This subclass of Tangler changes how files are opened and closed.

Imports (47) +=

import tempfile
import filecmp

Imports (47). Used by: (153)

TanglerMake subclass which is make-sensitive (48) =

class TanglerMake( Tangler ):
    """Tangle output files, leaving files untouched if there are no changes."""
    def __init__( self, *args ):
        super().__init__( *args )
        self.tempname= None
    →TanglerMake doOpen override, using a temporary file (49)
    →TanglerMake doClose override, comparing temporary to original (50)

TanglerMake subclass which is make-sensitive (48). Used by: Emitter class hierarchy... (2)

A TanglerMake creates a temporary file to collect the tangled output. When this file is completed, we can compare it with the original file in this directory, avoiding a "touch" if the new file is the same as the original.

TanglerMake doOpen override, using a temporary file (49) =

def doOpen( self, aFile ):
    fd, self.tempname= tempfile.mkstemp( dir=os.curdir )
    self.theFile= os.fdopen( fd, "w" ) "Tangling {!r}".format(aFile) )

TanglerMake doOpen override, using a temporary file (49). Used by: TanglerMake subclass... (48)

If there is a previous file: compare the temporary file and the previous file.

If there was no previous file or the files are different: rename temporary to replace previous; else there was a previous file and the files were the same: unlink temporary and discard it.

This preserves the original (with the original date and time) if nothing has changed.

TanglerMake doClose override, comparing temporary to original (50) =

def doClose( self ):
        same= filecmp.cmp( self.tempname, self.fileName )
    except OSError as e:
        same= False # Doesn't exist.  Could check for errno.ENOENT
    if same: "No change to {!r}".format(self.fileName) )
        os.remove( self.tempname )
        # Windows requires the original file name be removed first.
            os.remove( self.fileName )
        except OSError as e:
            pass # Doesn't exist.  Could check for errno.ENOENT
        os.rename( self.tempname, self.fileName ) "Wrote {:d} lines to {!r}".format(
            self.linesWritten, self.fileName) )

TanglerMake doClose override, comparing temporary to original (50). Used by: TanglerMake subclass... (48)


A Chunk is a piece of the input file. It is a collection of Command instances. A chunk can be woven or tangled to create output.

The two most important methods are the weave() and tangle() methods. These visit the commands of this chunk, producing the required output file.

Additional methods (startswith(), searchForRE() and usedBy()) are used to examine the text of the Command instances within the chunk.

A Chunk instance is created by the WebReader as the input file is parsed. Each Chunk instance has one or more pieces of the original input text. This text can be program source, a reference command, or the documentation source.

Chunk class hierarchy - used to describe input chunks (51) =

→Chunk class (52)
→NamedChunk class (63), →(68)
→OutputChunk class (69)
→NamedDocumentChunk class (73)

Chunk class hierarchy - used to describe input chunks (51). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

The Chunk class is both the superclass for this hierarchy and the implementation for anonymous chunks. An anonymous chunk is always documentation in the target markup language. No transformation is ever done on anonymous chunks.

A NamedChunk is a chunk created with a @d command. This is a chunk of source programming language, bracketed with @{ and @}.

An OutputChunk is a named chunk created with a @o command. This must be a chunk of source programming language, bracketed with @{ and @}.

A NamedDocumentChunk is a named chunk created with a @d command. This is a chunk of documentation in the target markup language, bracketed with @[ and @].

Chunk Superclass

An instance of the Chunk class has a life that includes four important events:

  • creation,
  • cross-reference,
  • weave,
  • and tangle.

A Chunk is created by a WebReader, and associated with a Web. There are several web append methods, depending on the exact subclass of Chunk. The WebReader calls the chunk's webAdd() method select the correct method for appending and indexing the chunk. Individual instances of Command are appended to the chunk. The basic outline for creating a Chunk instance is as follows:

w= Web( )
c= Chunk()
c.webAdd( w )
c.append( ...some Command... )
c.append( ...some Command... )

Before weaving or tangling, a cross reference is created for all user identifiers in all of the Chunk instances. This is done by: (1) visit each Chunk and call the getUserIDRefs() method to gather all identifiers; (2) for each identifier, visit each Chunk and call the searchForRE() method to find uses of the identifier.

ident= []
for c in the Web's named chunk list:
    ident.extend( c.getUserIDRefs() )
for i in ident:
    pattern= re.compile('W{!s}W'.format(i) )
    for c in the Web's named chunk list:
        c.searchForRE( pattern )

A Chunk is woven or tangled by the Web. The basic outline for weaving is as follows. The tangling action is essentially the same.

for c in the Web's chunk list:
    c.weave( aWeaver )

The Chunk class contains the overall definitions for all of the various specialized subclasses. In particular, it contains the append(), and appendText() methods used by all of the various Chunk subclasses.

When a @@ construct is located in the input stream, the stream contains three text tokens: material before the @@, the @@, and the material after the @@. These three tokens are reassembled into a single block of text. This reassembly is accomplished by changing the chunk's state so that the next TextCommand is appended onto the previous TextCommand.

The appendText() method either:

  • appends to a previous TextCommand instance,
  • or finds that there are no commands at all, and creates an initial TextCommand instance,
  • or finds that the last Command isn't a subclass of TextCommand and creates a TextCommand instance.

Each subclass of Chunk has a particular type of text that it will process. Anonymous chunks only handle document text. The NamedChunk subclass that handles program source will override this method to create a different command type. The makeContent() method creates the appropriate Command instance for this Chunk subclass.

The weave() method of an anonymous Chunk uses the weaver's docBegin() and docEnd() methods to insert text that is source markup. Other subclasses will override this to use different Weaver methods for different kinds of text.

A Chunk has a Strategy object which is a subclass of Reference. This is either an instance of SimpleReference or TransitiveReference. A SimpleRerence does no additional processing, and locates the proximate reference to this chunk. The TransitiveReference walks "up" the web toward top-level file definitions that reference this Chunk.

The Chunk constructor initializes the following instance variables:

commands:is a sequence of the various Command instances the comprise this chunk.
user_id_list:is used the list of user identifiers associated with this chunk. This attribute is always None for this class. The NamedChunk subclass, however, can have user identifiers.
initial:is True if this is the first definition (display with '=') or a subsequent definition (display with '+=').
web:A weakref to the web which contains this Chunk. We want to inherit information from the Web overall.
fileName:The file which contained this chunk's initial @o or @d.
name:has the name of the chunk. This is '' for anonymous chunks.
has the sequence number associated with this chunk. This is None for anonymous chunks.
referencedBy:is the list of Chunks which reference this chunk.
references:is the list of Chunks this chunk references.

Chunk class (52) =

class Chunk:
    """Anonymous piece of input file: will be output through the weaver only."""
    # construction and insertion into the web
    def __init__( self ):
        self.commands= [ ] # The list of children of this chunk
        self.user_id_list= None
        self.initial= None ''
        self.fullName= None
        self.seq= None
        self.fileName= ''
        self.referencedBy= [] # Chunks which reference this chunk.  Ideally just one.
        self.references= [] # Names that this chunk references

    def __str__( self ):
        return "\n".join( map( str, self.commands ) )
    def __repr__( self ):
        return "{!s}('{!s}')".format( self.__class__.__name__, )
    →Chunk append a command (53)
    →Chunk append text (54)
    →Chunk add to the web (55)

    →Chunk generate references from this Chunk (58)
    →Chunk superclass make Content definition (56)
    →Chunk examination: starts with, matches pattern (57)
    →Chunk references to this Chunk (59)

    →Chunk weave this Chunk into the documentation (60)
    →Chunk tangle this Chunk into a code file (61)
    →Chunk indent adjustments (62)

Chunk class (52). Used by: Chunk class hierarchy... (51)

The append() method simply appends a Command instance to this chunk.

Chunk append a command (53) =

def append( self, command ):
    """Add another Command to this chunk."""
    self.commands.append( command )
    command.chunk= self

Chunk append a command (53). Used by: Chunk class (52)

The appendText() method appends a TextCommand to this chunk, or it concatenates it to the most recent TextCommand.

When an @@ construct is located, the appendText() method is used to accumulate this character. This means that it will be appended to any previous TextCommand, or new TextCommand will be built.

The reason for appending is that a TextCommand has an implicit indentation. The "@" cannot be a separate TextCommand because it will wind up indented.

Chunk append text (54) =

def appendText( self, text, lineNumber=0 ):
    """Append a single character to the most recent TextCommand."""
        # Works for TextCommand, otherwise breaks
        self.commands[-1].text += text
    except IndexError as e:
        # First command?  Then the list will have been empty.
        self.commands.append( self.makeContent(text,lineNumber) )
    except AttributeError as e:
        # Not a TextCommand?  Then there won't be a text attribute.
        self.commands.append( self.makeContent(text,lineNumber) )

Chunk append text (54). Used by: Chunk class (52)

The webAdd() method adds this chunk to the given document web. Each subclass of the Chunk class must override this to be sure that the various Chunk subclasses are indexed properly. The Chunk class uses the add() method of the Web class to append an anonymous, unindexed chunk.

Chunk add to the web (55) =

def webAdd( self, web ):
    """Add self to a Web as anonymous chunk."""
    web.add( self )

Chunk add to the web (55). Used by: Chunk class (52)

This superclass creates a specific Command for a given piece of content. A subclass can override this to change the underlying assumptions of that Chunk. The generic chunk doesn't contain code, it contains text and can only be woven, never tangled. A Named Chunk using @{ and @} creates code. A Named Chunk using @[ and @] creates text.

Chunk superclass make Content definition (56) =

def makeContent( self, text, lineNumber=0 ):
    return TextCommand( text, lineNumber )

Chunk superclass make Content definition (56). Used by: Chunk class (52)

The startsWith() method examines a the first Command instance this Chunk instance to see if it starts with the given prefix string.

The lineNumber() method returns the line number of the first Command in this chunk. This provides some context for where the chunk occurs in the original input file.

A NamedChunk instance may define one or more identifiers. This parent class provides a dummy version of the getUserIDRefs method. The NamedChunk subclass overrides this to provide actual results. By providing this at the superclass-level, the Web can easily gather identifiers without knowing the actual subclass of Chunk.

The searchForRE() method examines each Command instance to see if it matches with the given regular expression. If so, this can be reported to the Web instance and accumulated as part of a cross reference for this Chunk.

Chunk examination: starts with, matches pattern (57) =

def startswith( self, prefix ):
    """Examine the first command's starting text."""
    return len(self.commands) >= 1 and self.commands[0].startswith( prefix )

def searchForRE( self, rePat ):
    """Visit each command, applying the pattern."""
    for c in self.commands:
        if c.searchForRE( rePat ):
            return self
    return None

def lineNumber( self ):
    """Return the first command's line number or None."""
    return self.commands[0].lineNumber if len(self.commands) >= 1 else None

def getUserIDRefs( self ):
    return []

Chunk examination: starts with, matches pattern (57). Used by: Chunk class (52)

The chunk search in the searchForRE() method parallels weaving and tangling a Chunk. The operation is delegated to each Command instance within the Chunk instance.

The genReferences() method visits each Command instance inside this chunk; a Command will yield the references.

Note that an exception may be raised by this operation if a referenced Chunk does not actually exist. If a reference Command does raise an error, we append this Chunk information and reraise the error with the additional context information.

Chunk generate references from this Chunk (58) =

def genReferences( self, aWeb ):
    """Generate references from this Chunk."""
        for t in self.commands:
            ref= t.ref( aWeb )
            if ref is not None:
                yield ref
    except Error as e:

Chunk generate references from this Chunk (58). Used by: Chunk class (52)

The list of references to a Chunk uses a Strategy plug-in to either generate a simple parent or a transitive closure of all parents.

Note that we need to get the Weaver.reference_style which is a configuration item. This is a Strategy showing how to compute the list of references. The Weaver pushed it into the Web so that it is available for each Chunk.

Chunk references to this Chunk (59) =

def references_list( self, theWeaver ):
    """Extract name, sequence from Chunks into a list."""
    return [ (, c.seq)
        for c in theWeaver.reference_style.chunkReferencedBy( self ) ]

Chunk references to this Chunk (59). Used by: Chunk class (52)

The weave() method weaves this chunk into the final document as follows:

  1. Call the Weaver class docBegin() method. This method does nothing for document content.
  2. Visit each Command instance: call the Command instance weave() method to emit the content of the Command instance
  3. Call the Weaver class docEnd() method. This method does nothing for document content.

Note that an exception may be raised by this action if a referenced Chunk does not actually exist. If a reference Command does raise an error, we append this Chunk information and reraise the error with the additional context information.

Chunk weave this Chunk into the documentation (60) =

def weave( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
    """Create the nicely formatted document from an anonymous chunk."""
    aWeaver.docBegin( self )
    for cmd in self.commands:
        cmd.weave( aWeb, aWeaver )
    aWeaver.docEnd( self )
def weaveReferenceTo( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
    """Create a reference to this chunk -- except for anonymous chunks."""
    raise Exception( "Cannot reference an anonymous chunk.""")
def weaveShortReferenceTo( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
    """Create a short reference to this chunk -- except for anonymous chunks."""
    raise Exception( "Cannot reference an anonymous chunk.""")

Chunk weave this Chunk into the documentation (60). Used by: Chunk class (52)

Anonymous chunks cannot be tangled. Any attempt indicates a serious problem with this program or the input file.

Chunk tangle this Chunk into a code file (61) =

def tangle( self, aWeb, aTangler ):
    """Create source code -- except anonymous chunks should not be tangled"""
    raise Error( 'Cannot tangle an anonymous chunk', self )

Chunk tangle this Chunk into a code file (61). Used by: Chunk class (52)

Generally, a Chunk with a reference will adjust the indentation for that referenced material. However, this is not universally true, a subclass may not indent when tangling and may -- instead -- put stuff flush at the left margin by forcing the local indent to zero.

Chunk indent adjustments (62) =

def reference_indent( self, aWeb, aTangler, amount ):
    aTangler.addIndent( amount )  # Or possibly set indent to local zero.

def reference_dedent( self, aWeb, aTangler ):

Chunk indent adjustments (62). Used by: Chunk class (52)

NamedChunk class

A NamedChunk is created and used almost identically to an anonymous Chunk. The most significant difference is that a name is provided when the NamedChunk is created. This name is used by the Web to organize the chunks.

A NamedChunk is created with a @d or @o command. A NamedChunk contains programming language source when the brackets are @{ and @}. A separate subclass of NamedDocumentChunk is used when the brackets are @[ and @].

A NamedChunk can be both tangled into the output program files, and woven into the output document file.

The weave() method of a NamedChunk uses the Weaver's codeBegin() and codeEnd() methods to insert text that is program source and requires additional markup to make it stand out from documentation. Other subclasses can override this to use different Weaver methods for different kinds of text.

By inheritance from the superclass, this class indents. A separate subclass provides a no-indent implementation of a NamedChunk.

This class introduces some additional attributes.

fullName:is the full name of the chunk. It's possible for a chunk to be an abbreviated forward reference; full names cannot be resolved until all chunks have been seen.
user_id_list:is the list of user identifiers associated with this chunk.
refCount:is the count of references to this chunk. If this is zero, the chunk is unused; if this is more than one, this chunk is multiply used. Either of these conditions is a possible error in the input. This is set by the usedBy() method.
name:has the name of the chunk. Names can be abbreviated.
has the sequence number associated with this chunk. This is set by the Web by the webAdd() method.

NamedChunk class (63) =

class NamedChunk( Chunk ):
    """Named piece of input file: will be output as both tangler and weaver."""
    def __init__( self, name ):
        super().__init__() name
        self.user_id_list= []
        self.refCount= 0
    def __str__( self ):
        return "{!r}: {!s}".format(, Chunk.__str__(self) )
    def makeContent( self, text, lineNumber=0 ):
        return CodeCommand( text, lineNumber )
    →NamedChunk user identifiers set and get (64)
    →NamedChunk add to the web (65)
    →NamedChunk weave into the documentation (66)
    →NamedChunk tangle into the source file (67)

NamedChunk class (63). Used by: Chunk class hierarchy... (51)

The setUserIDRefs() method accepts a list of user identifiers that are associated with this chunk. These are provided after the @| separator in a @d named chunk. These are used by the @u cross reference generator.

NamedChunk user identifiers set and get (64) =

def setUserIDRefs( self, text ):
    """Save user ID's associated with this chunk."""
    self.user_id_list= text.split()
def getUserIDRefs( self ):
    return self.user_id_list

NamedChunk user identifiers set and get (64). Used by: NamedChunk class (63)

The webAdd() method adds this chunk to the given document Web instance. Each class of Chunk must override this to be sure that the various Chunk classes are indexed properly. This class uses the Web.addNamed() method of the Web class to append a named chunk.

NamedChunk add to the web (65) =

def webAdd( self, web ):
    """Add self to a Web as named chunk, update xrefs."""
    web.addNamed( self )

NamedChunk add to the web (65). Used by: NamedChunk class (63)

The weave() method weaves this chunk into the final document as follows:

  1. call the Weaver class codeBegin() method. This method emits the necessary markup for code appearing in the woven output.
  2. visit each Command, calling the command's weave() method to emit the command's content.
  3. call the Weaver class CodeEnd() method. This method emits the necessary markup for code appearing in the woven output.

For an RST weaver this becomes a parsed-literal, which requires a extra indent. For an HTML weaver this becomes a <pre> in a different-colored box.

References generate links in a woven document. In a tangled document, they create the actual code. The weaveRefenceTo() method weaves a reference to a chunk using both name and sequence number. The weaveShortReferenceTo() method weaves a reference to a chunk using only the sequence number. These references are created by ReferenceCommand instances within a chunk being woven.

The woven references simply follow whatever preceded them on the line; the indent (if any) doesn't change from the default.

NamedChunk weave into the documentation (66) =

def weave( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
    """Create the nicely formatted document from a chunk of code."""
    self.fullName= aWeb.fullNameFor( )
    aWeaver.codeBegin( self )
    for cmd in self.commands:
        cmd.weave( aWeb, aWeaver )
    aWeaver.clrIndent( )
    aWeaver.codeEnd( self )
def weaveReferenceTo( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
    """Create a reference to this chunk."""
    self.fullName= aWeb.fullNameFor( )
    txt= aWeaver.referenceTo( self.fullName, self.seq )
    aWeaver.codeBlock( txt )
def weaveShortReferenceTo( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
    """Create a shortened reference to this chunk."""
    txt= aWeaver.referenceTo( None, self.seq )
    aWeaver.codeBlock( txt )

NamedChunk weave into the documentation (66). Used by: NamedChunk class (63)

The tangle() method tangles this chunk into the final document as follows:

  1. call the Tangler class codeBegin() method to set indents properly.
  2. visit each Command, calling the Command's tangle() method to emit the Command's content.
  3. call the Tangler class codeEnd() method to restore indents.

If a ReferenceCommand does raise an error during tangling, we append this Chunk information and reraise the error with the additional context information.

NamedChunk tangle into the source file (67) =

def tangle( self, aWeb, aTangler ):
    """Create source code.
    Use aWeb to resolve @<namedChunk@>.
    Format as correctly indented source text
    self.previous_command= TextCommand( "", self.commands[0].lineNumber )
    aTangler.codeBegin( self )
    for t in self.commands:
            t.tangle( aWeb, aTangler )
        except Error as e:
        self.previous_command= t
    aTangler.codeEnd( self )

NamedChunk tangle into the source file (67). Used by: NamedChunk class (63)

There's a second variation on NamedChunk, one that doesn't indent based on context. It simply sets an indent at the left margin.

NamedChunk class (68) +=

class NamedChunk_Noindent( NamedChunk ):
    """Named piece of input file: will be output as both tangler and weaver."""
    def reference_indent( self, aWeb, aTangler, amount ):
        aTangler.setIndent( 0 )

    def reference_dedent( self, aWeb, aTangler ):

NamedChunk class (68). Used by: Chunk class hierarchy... (51)

OutputChunk class

A OutputChunk is created and used identically to a NamedChunk. The difference between this class and the parent class is the decoration of the markup when weaving.

The OutputChunk class is a subclass of NamedChunk that handles file output chunks defined with @o.

The weave() method of a OutputChunk uses the Weaver's fileBegin() and fileEnd() methods to insert text that is program source and requires additional markup to make it stand out from documentation. Other subclasses could override this to use different Weaver methods for different kinds of text.

All other methods, including the tangle method are identical to NamedChunk.

OutputChunk class (69) =

class OutputChunk( NamedChunk ):
    """Named piece of input file, defines an output tangle."""
    def __init__( self, name, comment_start=None, comment_end="" ):
        super().__init__( name )
        self.comment_start= comment_start
        self.comment_end= comment_end
    →OutputChunk add to the web (70)
    →OutputChunk weave (71)
    →OutputChunk tangle (72)

OutputChunk class (69). Used by: Chunk class hierarchy... (51)

The webAdd() method adds this chunk to the given document Web. Each class of Chunk must override this to be sure that the various Chunk classes are indexed properly. This class uses the addOutput() method of the Web class to append a file output chunk.

OutputChunk add to the web (70) =

def webAdd( self, web ):
    """Add self to a Web as output chunk, update xrefs."""
    web.addOutput( self )

OutputChunk add to the web (70). Used by: OutputChunk class (69)

The weave() method weaves this chunk into the final document as follows:

  1. call the Weaver class codeBegin() method to emit proper markup for an output file chunk.
  2. visit each Command, call the Command's weave() method to emit the Command's content.
  3. call the Weaver class codeEnd() method to emit proper markup for an output file chunk.

These chunks of documentation are never tangled. Any attempt is an error.

If a ReferenceCommand does raise an error during weaving, we append this Chunk information and reraise the error with the additional context information.

OutputChunk weave (71) =

def weave( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
    """Create the nicely formatted document from a chunk of code."""
    self.fullName= aWeb.fullNameFor( )
    aWeaver.fileBegin( self )
    for cmd in self.commands:
        cmd.weave( aWeb, aWeaver )
    aWeaver.fileEnd( self )

OutputChunk weave (71). Used by: OutputChunk class (69)

When we tangle, we provide the output Chunk's comment information to the Tangler to be sure that -- if line numbers were requested -- they can be included properly.

OutputChunk tangle (72) =

def tangle( self, aWeb, aTangler ):
    aTangler.comment_start= self.comment_start
    aTangler.comment_end= self.comment_end
    super().tangle( aWeb, aTangler )

OutputChunk tangle (72). Used by: OutputChunk class (69)

NamedDocumentChunk class

A NamedDocumentChunk is created and used identically to a NamedChunk. The difference between this class and the parent class is that this chunk is only woven when referenced. The original definition is silently skipped.

The NamedDocumentChunk class is a subclass of NamedChunk that handles named chunks defined with @d and the @[...@] delimiters. These are woven slightly differently, since they are document source, not programming language source.

We're not as interested in the cross reference of named document chunks. They can be used multiple times or never. They are expected to be referenced by anonymous chunks. While this chunk subclass participates in this data gathering, it is ignored for reporting purposes.

All other methods, including the tangle method are identical to NamedChunk.

NamedDocumentChunk class (73) =

class NamedDocumentChunk( NamedChunk ):
    """Named piece of input file with document source, defines an output tangle."""
    def makeContent( self, text, lineNumber=0 ):
        return TextCommand( text, lineNumber )
    →NamedDocumentChunk weave (74)
    →NamedDocumentChunk tangle (75)

NamedDocumentChunk class (73). Used by: Chunk class hierarchy... (51)

The weave() method quietly ignores this chunk in the document. A named document chunk is only included when it is referenced during weaving of another chunk (usually an anonymous document chunk).

The weaveReferenceTo() method inserts the content of this chunk into the output document. This is done in response to a ReferenceCommand in another chunk. The weaveShortReferenceTo() method calls the weaveReferenceTo() to insert the entire chunk.

NamedDocumentChunk weave (74) =

def weave( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
    """Ignore this when producing the document."""
def weaveReferenceTo( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
    """On a reference to this chunk, expand the body in place."""
    for cmd in self.commands:
        cmd.weave( aWeb, aWeaver )
def weaveShortReferenceTo( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
    """On a reference to this chunk, expand the body in place."""
    self.weaveReferenceTo( aWeb, aWeaver )

NamedDocumentChunk weave (74). Used by: NamedDocumentChunk class (73)

NamedDocumentChunk tangle (75) =

def tangle( self, aWeb, aTangler ):
    """Raise an exception on an attempt to tangle."""
    raise Error( "Cannot tangle a chunk defined with @[.""" )

NamedDocumentChunk tangle (75). Used by: NamedDocumentChunk class (73)


The input stream is broken into individual commands, based on the various @*x* strings in the file. There are several subclasses of Command, each used to describe a different command or block of text in the input.

All instances of the Command class are created by a WebReader instance. In this case, a WebReader can be thought of as a factory for Command instances. Each Command instance is appended to the sequence of commands that belong to a Chunk. A chunk may be as small as a single command, or a long sequence of commands.

Each Command instance responds to methods to examine the content, gather cross reference information and tangle a file or weave the final document.

Command class hierarchy - used to describe individual commands (76) =

→Command superclass (77)
→TextCommand class to contain a document text block (80)
→CodeCommand class to contain a program source code block (81)
→XrefCommand superclass for all cross-reference commands (82)
→FileXrefCommand class for an output file cross-reference (83)
→MacroXrefCommand class for a named chunk cross-reference (84)
→UserIdXrefCommand class for a user identifier cross-reference (85)
→ReferenceCommand class for chunk references (86)

Command class hierarchy - used to describe individual commands (76). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

Command Superclass

A Command is created by the WebReader, and attached to a Chunk. The Command participates in cross reference creation, weaving and tangling.

The Command superclass is abstract, and has default methods factored out of the various subclasses. When a subclass is created, it will override some of the methods provided in this superclass.

class MyNewCommand( Command ):
    ... overrides for various methods ...

Additionally, a subclass of WebReader must be defined to parse the new command syntax. The main process() function must also be updated to use this new subclass of WebReader.

The Command superclass provides the parent class definition for all of the various command types. The most common command is a block of text. For tangling it is presented with no changes. For weaving, quoting is used to make it work nicely with the given markup language.

The next most common command is a reference to a chunk. This is woven as a mark-up reference: a link. It is tangled as an expansion of the source code.

Additional methods include the following:

  • The startswith() method examines any source text to see if it begins with the given prefix text.
  • The searchForRE() method examines any source text to see if it matches the given regular expression, usually a match for a user identifier.
  • The ref() method is ignored by all but the Reference subclass, which returns reference made by the command to the parent chunk.
  • The weave() method weaves this into the output. If a document text command, it is emitted directly; if a program source code command, markup is applied. In the case of cross-reference commands, the actual cross-reference content is emitted. In the case of reference commands, they are woven as a reference to a named chunk.
  • The tangle() method tangles this into the output. If a this is a document text command, it is ignored; if a this is a program source code command, it is indented and emitted. In the case of cross-reference commands, no output is produced. In the case of reference commands, the named chunk is indented and emitted.

The attributes of a Command instance includes the line number on which the command began, in lineNumber.

Command superclass (77) =

class Command:
    """A Command is the lowest level of granularity in the input stream."""
    def __init__( self, fromLine=0 ):
        self.lineNumber= fromLine+1 # tokenizer is zero-based
        self.chunk= None
        self.logger= logging.getLogger( self.__class__.__qualname__ )
    def __str__( self ):
        return "at {!r}".format(self.lineNumber)
    →Command analysis features: starts-with and Regular Expression search (78)
    →Command tangle and weave functions (79)

Command superclass (77). Used by: Command class hierarchy... (76)

Command analysis features: starts-with and Regular Expression search (78) =

def startswith( self, prefix ):
    return None
def searchForRE( self, rePat ):
    return None
def indent( self ):
    return None

Command analysis features: starts-with and Regular Expression search (78). Used by: Command superclass (77)

Command tangle and weave functions (79) =

def ref( self, aWeb ):
    return None
def weave( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
def tangle( self, aWeb, aTangler ):

Command tangle and weave functions (79). Used by: Command superclass (77)

TextCommand class

A TextCommand is created by a Chunk or a NamedDocumentChunk when a WebReader calls the chunk's appendText() method.

This Command participates in cross reference creation, weaving and tangling. When it is created, the source line number is provided so that this text can be tied back to the source document.

An instance of the TextCommand class is a block of document text. It can originate in an anonymous block or a named chunk delimited with @[ and @].

This subclass provides a concrete implementation for all of the methods. Since text is the author's original markup language, it is emitted directly to the weaver or tangler.

TextCommand class to contain a document text block (80) =

class TextCommand( Command ):
    """A piece of document source text."""
    def __init__( self, text, fromLine=0 ):
        super().__init__( fromLine )
        self.text= text
    def __str__( self ):
        return "at {!r}: {!r}...".format(self.lineNumber,self.text[:32])
    def startswith( self, prefix ):
        return self.text.startswith( prefix )
    def searchForRE( self, rePat ):
        return self.text )
    def indent( self ):
        if self.text.endswith('\n'):
            return 0
            last_line = self.text.splitlines()[-1]
            return len(last_line)
        except IndexError:
            return 0
    def weave( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
        aWeaver.write( self.text )
    def tangle( self, aWeb, aTangler ):
        aTangler.write( self.text )

TextCommand class to contain a document text block (80). Used by: Command class hierarchy... (76)

CodeCommand class

A CodeCommand is created by a NamedChunk when a WebReader calls the appendText() method. The Command participates in cross reference creation, weaving and tangling. When it is created, the source line number is provided so that this text can be tied back to the source document.

An instance of the CodeCommand class is a block of program source code text. It can originate in a named chunk (@d) with a @{ and @} delimiter. Or it can be a file output chunk (@o).

It uses the codeBlock() methods of a Weaver or Tangler. The weaver will insert appropriate markup for this code. The tangler will assure that the prevailing indentation is maintained.

CodeCommand class to contain a program source code block (81) =

class CodeCommand( TextCommand ):
    """A piece of program source code."""
    def weave( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
        aWeaver.codeBlock( aWeaver.quote( self.text ) )
    def tangle( self, aWeb, aTangler ):
        aTangler.codeBlock( self.text )

CodeCommand class to contain a program source code block (81). Used by: Command class hierarchy... (76)

XrefCommand superclass

An XrefCommand is created by the WebReader when any of the @f, @m, @u commands are found in the input stream. The Command is then appended to the current Chunk being built by the WebReader.

The XrefCommand superclass defines any common features of the various cross-reference commands (@f, @m, @u).

The formatXref() method creates the body of a cross-reference by the following algorithm:

  1. Use the Weaver class xrefHead() method to emit the cross-reference header.
  2. Sort the keys in the cross-reference mapping.
  3. Use the Weaver class xrefLine() method to emit each line of the cross-reference mapping.
  4. Use the Weaver class xrefFoot() method to emit the cross-reference footer.

If this command winds up in a tangle action, that use is illegal. An exception is raised and processing stops.

XrefCommand superclass for all cross-reference commands (82) =

class XrefCommand( Command ):
    """Any of the Xref-goes-here commands in the input."""
    def __str__( self ):
        return "at {!r}: cross reference".format(self.lineNumber)
    def formatXref( self, xref, aWeaver ):
        for n in sorted(xref):
            aWeaver.xrefLine( n, xref[n] )
    def tangle( self, aWeb, aTangler ):
        raise Error('Illegal tangling of a cross reference command.')

XrefCommand superclass for all cross-reference commands (82). Used by: Command class hierarchy... (76)

FileXrefCommand class

A FileXrefCommand is created by the WebReader when the @f command is found in the input stream. The Command is then appended to the current Chunk being built by the WebReader.

The FileXrefCommand class weave method gets the file cross reference from the overall web instance, and uses the formatXref() method of the XrefCommand superclass for format this result.

FileXrefCommand class for an output file cross-reference (83) =

class FileXrefCommand( XrefCommand ):
    """A FileXref command."""
    def weave( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
        """Weave a File Xref from @o commands."""
        self.formatXref( aWeb.fileXref(), aWeaver )

FileXrefCommand class for an output file cross-reference (83). Used by: Command class hierarchy... (76)

MacroXrefCommand class

A MacroXrefCommand is created by the WebReader when the @m command is found in the input stream. The Command is then appended to the current Chunk being built by the WebReader.

The MacroXrefCommand class weave method gets the named chunk (macro) cross reference from the overall web instance, and uses the formatXref() method of the XrefCommand superclass method for format this result.

MacroXrefCommand class for a named chunk cross-reference (84) =

class MacroXrefCommand( XrefCommand ):
    """A MacroXref command."""
    def weave( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
        """Weave the Macro Xref from @d commands."""
        self.formatXref( aWeb.chunkXref(), aWeaver )

MacroXrefCommand class for a named chunk cross-reference (84). Used by: Command class hierarchy... (76)

UserIdXrefCommand class

A MacroXrefCommand is created by the WebReader when the @u command is found in the input stream. The Command is then appended to the current Chunk being built by the WebReader.

The UserIdXrefCommand class weave method gets the user identifier cross reference information from the overall web instance. It then formats this line using the following algorithm, which is similar to the algorithm in the XrefCommand superclass.

  1. Use the Weaver class xrefHead() method to emit the cross-reference header.
  2. Sort the keys in the cross-reference mapping.
  3. Use the Weaver class xrefDefLine() method to emit each line of the cross-reference definition mapping.
  4. Use the Weaver class xrefFoor() method to emit the cross-reference footer.

UserIdXrefCommand class for a user identifier cross-reference (85) =

class UserIdXrefCommand( XrefCommand ):
    """A UserIdXref command."""
    def weave( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
        """Weave a user identifier Xref from @d commands."""
        ux= aWeb.userNamesXref()
        if len(ux) != 0:
            for u in sorted(ux):
                defn, refList= ux[u]
                aWeaver.xrefDefLine( u, defn, refList )

UserIdXrefCommand class for a user identifier cross-reference (85). Used by: Command class hierarchy... (76)

ReferenceCommand class

A ReferenceCommand instance is created by a WebReader when a @<name@> construct in is found in the input stream. This is attached to the current Chunk being built by the WebReader.

During a weave, this creates a markup reference to another NamedChunk. During tangle, this actually includes the NamedChunk at this point in the tangled output file.

The constructor creates several attributes of an instance of a ReferenceCommand.

refTo:the name of the chunk to which this refers, possibly elided with a trailing '...'.
fullName:the full name of the chunk to which this refers.
chunkList:the list of the chunks to which the name refers.

ReferenceCommand class for chunk references (86) =

class ReferenceCommand( Command ):
    """A reference to a named chunk, via @<name@>."""
    def __init__( self, refTo, fromLine=0 ):
        super().__init__( fromLine )
        self.refTo= refTo
        self.fullname= None
        self.sequenceList= None
        self.chunkList= []
    def __str__( self ):
        return "at {!r}: reference to chunk {!r}".format(self.lineNumber,self.refTo)
    →ReferenceCommand resolve a referenced chunk name (87)
    →ReferenceCommand refers to a chunk (88)
    →ReferenceCommand weave a reference to a chunk (89)
    →ReferenceCommand tangle a referenced chunk (90)

ReferenceCommand class for chunk references (86). Used by: Command class hierarchy... (76)

The resolve() method queries the overall Web instance for the full name and sequence number for this chunk reference. This is used by the Weaver class referenceTo() method to write the markup reference to the chunk.

ReferenceCommand resolve a referenced chunk name (87) =

def resolve( self, aWeb ):
    """Expand our chunk name and list of parts"""
    self.fullName= aWeb.fullNameFor( self.refTo )
    self.chunkList= aWeb.getchunk( self.refTo )

ReferenceCommand resolve a referenced chunk name (87). Used by: ReferenceCommand class... (86)

The ref() method is a request that is delegated by a Chunk; it resolves the reference this Command makes within the containing Chunk. When the Chunk iterates through the Commands, it can accumulate a list of Chinks to which it refers.

ReferenceCommand refers to a chunk (88) =

def ref( self, aWeb ):
    """Find and return the full name for this reference."""
    self.resolve( aWeb )
    return self.fullName

ReferenceCommand refers to a chunk (88). Used by: ReferenceCommand class... (86)

The weave() method inserts a markup reference to a named chunk. It uses the Weaver class referenceTo() method to format this appropriately for the document type being woven.

ReferenceCommand weave a reference to a chunk (89) =

def weave( self, aWeb, aWeaver ):
    """Create the nicely formatted reference to a chunk of code."""
    self.resolve( aWeb )
    aWeb.weaveChunk( self.fullName, aWeaver )

ReferenceCommand weave a reference to a chunk (89). Used by: ReferenceCommand class... (86)

The tangle() method inserts the resolved chunk in this place. When a chunk is tangled, it sets the indent, inserts the chunk and resets the indent.

This is where the Tangler indentation is updated by a reference. Or where indentation is set to a local zero because the included Chunk is a no-indent Chunk.

ReferenceCommand tangle a referenced chunk (90) =

def tangle( self, aWeb, aTangler ):
    """Create source code."""
    self.resolve( aWeb )

    self.logger.debug( "Indent {!r} + {!r}".format(aTangler.context, self.chunk.previous_command.indent()) )
    self.chunk.reference_indent( aWeb, aTangler, self.chunk.previous_command.indent() )

    self.logger.debug( "Tangling chunk {!r}".format(self.fullName) )
    if len(self.chunkList) != 0:
        for p in self.chunkList:
            p.tangle( aWeb, aTangler )
        raise Error( "Attempt to tangle an undefined Chunk, {!s}.".format( self.fullName, ) )

    self.chunk.reference_dedent( aWeb, aTangler )

ReferenceCommand tangle a referenced chunk (90). Used by: ReferenceCommand class... (86)

Reference Strategy

The Reference Strategy has two implementations. An instance of this is injected into each Chunk by the Web. By injecting this algorithm, we assure that:

  1. each Chunk can produce all relevant reference information and
  2. a simple configuration change can be applied to the document.

Reference Superclass

The superclass is an abstract class that defines the interface for this object.

Reference class hierarchy - strategies for references to a chunk (91) =

class Reference:
    def __init__( self ):
        self.logger= logging.getLogger( self.__class__.__qualname__ )
    def chunkReferencedBy( self, aChunk ):
        """Return a list of Chunks."""

Reference class hierarchy - strategies for references to a chunk (91). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

SimpleReference Class

The SimpleReference subclass does the simplest version of resolution. It returns the Chunks referenced.

Reference class hierarchy - strategies for references to a chunk (92) +=

class SimpleReference( Reference ):
    def chunkReferencedBy( self, aChunk ):
        refBy= aChunk.referencedBy
        return refBy

Reference class hierarchy - strategies for references to a chunk (92). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

TransitiveReference Class

The TransitiveReference subclass does a transitive closure of all references to this Chunk.

This requires walking through the Web to locate "parents" of each referenced Chunk.

Reference class hierarchy - strategies for references to a chunk (93) +=

class TransitiveReference( Reference ):
    def chunkReferencedBy( self, aChunk ):
        refBy= aChunk.referencedBy
        self.logger.debug( "References: {!s}({:d}) {!r}".format(, aChunk.seq, refBy) )
        return self.allParentsOf( refBy )
    def allParentsOf( self, chunkList, depth=0 ):
        """Transitive closure of parents via recursive ascent.
        final = []
        for c in chunkList:
            final.append( c )
            final.extend( self.allParentsOf( c.referencedBy, depth+1 ) )
        self.logger.debug( "References: {0:>{indent}s} {1!s}".format('--', final, indent=2*depth) )
        return final

Reference class hierarchy - strategies for references to a chunk (93). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

Error class

An Error is raised whenever processing cannot continue. Since it is a subclass of Exception, it takes an arbitrary number of arguments. The first should be the basic message text. Subsequent arguments provide additional details. We will try to be sure that all of our internal exceptions reference a specific chunk, if possible. This means either including the chunk as an argument, or catching the exception and appending the current chunk to the exception's arguments.

The Python raise statement takes an instance of Error and passes it to the enclosing try/except statement for processing.

The typical creation is as follows:

raise Error("No full name for {!r}".format(, chunk)

A typical exception-handling suite might look like this:

    ...something that may raise an Error or Exception...
except Error as e:
    print( e.args ) # this is a pyWeb internal Error
except Exception as w:
    print( w.args ) # this is some other Python Exception

The Error class is a subclass of Exception used to differentiate application-specific exceptions from other Python exceptions. It does no additional processing, but merely creates a distinct class to facilitate writing except statements.

Error class - defines the errors raised (94) =

class Error( Exception ): pass

Error class - defines the errors raised (94). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

The Web and WebReader Classes

The overall web of chunks is carried in a single instance of the Web class that is the principle parameter for the weaving and tangling actions. Broadly, the functionality of a Web can be separated into several areas.

It supports construction methods used by Chunks and WebReader.

It also supports "enrichment" of the web, once all the Chunks are known. This is a stateful update to the web. Each Chunk is updated with Chunk references it makes as well as Chunks which reference it.

It supports Chunk cross-reference methods that traverse this enriched data. This includes a kind of validity check to be sure that everything is used once and once only.

More importantly, it supports tangle and weave operations.

Fundamentally, a Web is a hybrid list-dictionary.

  • It's a mapping of chunks that also offers a moderately sophisticated lookup, including exact match for a chunk name and an approximate match for a chunk name. There are several methods to resolve references among chunks.
  • It's a sequence that retains all chunks in order, also. It may be a good candidate to be an OrderedDict, but there are multiple keys. Both Chunk names and chunk numbers are used.

A web instance has a number of attributes.

webFileName:the name of the original .w file.
chunkSeq:the sequence of Chunk instances as seen in the input file. To support anonymous chunks, and to assure that the original input document order is preserved, we keep all chunks in a master sequential list.
output:the @o named OutputChunk chunks. Each element of this dictionary is a sequence of chunks that have the same name. The first is the initial definition (marked with "="), all others a second definitions (marked with "+=").
named:the @d named NamedChunk chunks. Each element of this dictionary is a sequence of chunks that have the same name. The first is the initial definition (marked with "="), all others a second definitions (marked with "+=").
usedBy:the cross reference of chunks referenced by commands in other chunks.
is used to assign a unique sequence number to each named chunk.

Web class - describes the overall "web" of chunks (95) =

class Web:
    """The overall Web of chunks."""
    def __init__( self ):
        self.webFileName= None
        self.chunkSeq= []
        self.output= {} # Map filename to Chunk
        self.named= {} # Map chunkname to Chunk
        self.sequence= 0
        self.logger= logging.getLogger( self.__class__.__qualname__ )
    def __str__( self ):
        return "Web {!r}".format( self.webFileName, )

    →Web construction methods used by Chunks and WebReader (97)
    →Web Chunk name resolution methods (102), →(103)
    →Web Chunk cross reference methods (104), →(106), →(107), →(108)
    →Web determination of the language from the first chunk (111)
    →Web tangle the output files (112)
    →Web weave the output document (113)

Web class - describes the overall "web" of chunks (95). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

Web Construction

During web construction, it is convenient to capture information about the individual Chunk instances being appended to the web. This done using a Callback design pattern. Each subclass of Chunk provides an override for the Chunk class webAdd() method. This override calls one of the appropriate web construction methods.

Also note that the full name for a chunk can be given either as part of the definition, or as part a reference. Typically, the first reference has the full name and the definition has the elided name. This allows a reference to a chunk to contain a more complete description of the chunk.

We include a weakref to the Web to each Chunk.

Imports (96) +=

import weakref

Imports (96). Used by: (153)

Web construction methods used by Chunks and WebReader (97) =

→Web add full chunk names, ignoring abbreviated names (98)
→Web add an anonymous chunk (99)
→Web add a named macro chunk (100)
→Web add an output file definition chunk (101)

Web construction methods used by Chunks and WebReader (97). Used by: Web class... (95)

A name is only added to the known names when it is a full name, not an abbreviation ending with "...". Abbreviated names are quietly skipped until the full name is seen.

The algorithm for the addDefName() method, then is as follows:

  1. Use the fullNameFor() method to locate the full name.
  2. If no full name was found (the result of fullNameFor() ends with '...'), ignore this name as an abbreviation with no definition.
  3. If this is a full name and the name was not in the named mapping, add this full name to the mapping.

This name resolution approach presents a problem when a chunk's first definition uses an abbreviated name.


Improved use case needed.

We can be more flexible about assembling the web if we tolerate "..." elipsis as the initial use of a name.

We have to fold the abbreviated name(s) into the Web. Prior to tangling, we have to resolve the various abbreviated names to their proper full names. This would then merge the chunks into a single sequence.

We preserve source document ordering between the variations on the name using the chunk sequence numbers.

Here "prior to tangling" means either eagerly -- as each full name arrives -- or lazily -- after the entire Web is built.

We would no longer need to return a value from this function, either.

Web add full chunk names, ignoring abbreviated names (98) =

def addDefName( self, name ):
    """Reference to or definition of a chunk name."""
    nm= self.fullNameFor( name )
    if nm is None: return None
    if nm[-3:] == '...':
        self.logger.debug( "Abbreviated reference {!r}".format(name) )
        return None # first occurance is a forward reference using an abbreviation
    if nm not in self.named:
        self.named[nm]= []
        self.logger.debug( "Adding empty chunk {!r}".format(name) )
    return nm

Web add full chunk names, ignoring abbreviated names (98). Used by: Web construction... (97)

An anonymous Chunk is kept in a sequence of Chunks, used for tangling.

Web add an anonymous chunk (99) =

def add( self, chunk ):
    """Add an anonymous chunk."""
    self.chunkSeq.append( chunk )
    chunk.web= weakref.ref(self)

Web add an anonymous chunk (99). Used by: Web construction... (97)

A named Chunk is defined with a @d command. It is collected into a mapping of NamedChunk instances. An entry in the mapping is a sequence of chunks that have the same name. This sequence of chunks is used to produce the weave or tangle output.

All chunks are also placed in the overall sequence of chunks. This overall sequence is used for weaving the document.

The addDefName() method is used to resolve this name if it is an abbreviation, or add it to the mapping if this is the first occurance of the name. If the name cannot be added, an instance of our Error class is raised. If the name exists or was added, the chunk is appended to the chunk list associated with this name.

The Web's sequence counter is incremented, and this unique sequence number sets the seq attribute of the Chunk. If the chunk list was empty, this is the first chunk, the initial flag is set to True when there's only one element in the list. Otherwise, it's False.


Improved use case.

If we improve name resolution, then the if and exception can go away. The addDefName() no longer needs to return a value.

Web add a named macro chunk (100) =

def addNamed( self, chunk ):
    """Add a named chunk to a sequence with a given name."""
    self.chunkSeq.append( chunk )
    chunk.web= weakref.ref(self)
    nm= self.addDefName( )
    if nm:
        # We found the full name for this chunk
        self.sequence += 1
        chunk.seq= self.sequence
        chunk.fullName= nm
        self.named[nm].append( chunk )
        chunk.initial= len(self.named[nm]) == 1
        self.logger.debug( "Extending chunk {!r} from {!r}".format(nm, )
        raise Error("No full name for {!r}".format(, chunk)

Web add a named macro chunk (100). Used by: Web construction... (97)

An output file definition Chunk is defined with an @o command. It is collected into a mapping of OutputChunk instances. An entry in the mapping is a sequence of chunks that have the same name. This sequence of chunks is used to produce the weave or tangle output.

Note that file names cannot be abbreviated.

All chunks are also placed in overall sequence of chunks. This overall sequence is used for weaving the document.

If the name does not exist in the output mapping, the name is added with an empty sequence of chunks. In all cases, the chunk is appended to the chunk list associated with this name.

The web's sequence counter is incremented, and this unique sequence number sets the Chunk's seq attribute. If the chunk list was empty, this is the first chunk, the initial flag is True if this is the first chunk.

Web add an output file definition chunk (101) =

def addOutput( self, chunk ):
    """Add an output chunk to a sequence with a given name."""
    self.chunkSeq.append( chunk )
    chunk.web= weakref.ref(self)
    if not in self.output:
        self.output[] = []
        self.logger.debug( "Adding chunk {!r}".format( )
    self.sequence += 1
    chunk.seq= self.sequence
    self.output[].append( chunk )
    chunk.initial = len(self.output[]) == 1

Web add an output file definition chunk (101). Used by: Web construction... (97)

Web Chunk Name Resolution

Web Chunk name resolution has three aspects. The first is resolving elided names (those ending with ...) to their full names. The second is finding the named chunk in the web structure. The third is returning a reference to a specific chunk including the name and sequence number.

Note that a Chunk name actually refers to a sequence of Chunk instances. Multiple definitions for a Chunk are allowed, and all of the definitions are concatenated to create the complete Chunk. This complexity makes it unwise to return the sequence of same-named Chunk; therefore, we put the burden on the Web to process all Chunk with a given name, in sequence.

The fullNameFor() method resolves full name for a chunk as follows:

  1. If the string is already in the named mapping, this is the full name
  2. If the string ends in '...', visit each key in the dictionary to see if the key starts with the string up to the trailing '...'. If a match is found, the dictionary key is the full name.
  3. Otherwise, treat this as a full name.

Web Chunk name resolution methods (102) =

def fullNameFor( self, name ):
    """Resolve "..." names into the full name."""
    if name in self.named: return name
    if name[-3:] == '...':
        best= [ n for n in self.named.keys()
            if n.startswith( name[:-3] ) ]
        if len(best) > 1:
            raise Error("Ambiguous abbreviation {!r}, matches {!r}".format( name, list(sorted(best)) ) )
        elif len(best) == 1:
            return best[0]
    return name

Web Chunk name resolution methods (102). Used by: Web class... (95)

The getchunk() method locates a named sequence of chunks by first determining the full name for the identifying string. If full name is in the named mapping, the sequence of chunks is returned. Otherwise, an instance of our Error class is raised because the name is unresolvable.

It might be more helpful for debugging to emit this as an error in the weave and tangle results and keep processing. This would allow an author to catch multiple errors in a single run of pyWeb.

Web Chunk name resolution methods (103) +=

def getchunk( self, name ):
    """Locate a named sequence of chunks."""
    nm= self.fullNameFor( name )
    if nm in self.named:
        return self.named[nm]
    raise Error( "Cannot resolve {!r} in {!r}".format(name,self.named.keys()) )

Web Chunk name resolution methods (103). Used by: Web class... (95)

Web Cross-Reference Support

Cross-reference support includes creating and reporting on the various cross-references available in a web. This includes creating the list of chunks that reference a given chunk; and returning the file, macro and user identifier cross references.

Each Chunk has a list Reference commands that shows the chunks to which a chunk refers. These relationships must be reversed to show the chunks that refer to a given chunk. This is done by traversing the entire web of named chunks and recording each chunk-to-chunk reference. This mapping has the referred-to chunk as the key, and a sequence of referring chunks as the value.

The accumulation is initiated by the web's createUsedBy() method. This method visits a Chunk, calling the genReferences() method, passing in the Web instance as an argument. Each Chunk class genReferences() method, in turn, invokes the usedBy() method of each Command instance in the chunk. Most commands do nothing, but a ReferenceCommand will resolve the name to which it refers.

When the createUsedBy() method has accumulated the entire cross reference, it also assures that all chunks are used exactly once.

Web Chunk cross reference methods (104) =

def createUsedBy( self ):
    """Update every piece of a Chunk to show how the chunk is referenced.
    Each piece can then report where it's used in the web.
    for aChunk in self.chunkSeq:
        #usage = (self.fullNameFor(, aChunk.seq)
        for aRefName in aChunk.genReferences( self ):
            for c in self.getchunk( aRefName ):
                c.referencedBy.append( aChunk )
                c.refCount += 1
    →Web Chunk check reference counts are all one (105)

Web Chunk cross reference methods (104). Used by: Web class... (95)

We verify that the reference count for a Chunk is exactly one. We don't gracefully tolerate multiple references to a Chunk or unreferenced chunks.

Web Chunk check reference counts are all one (105) =

for nm in self.no_reference():
    self.logger.warn( "No reference to {!r}".format(nm) )
for nm in self.multi_reference():
    self.logger.warn( "Multiple references to {!r}".format(nm) )
for nm in self.no_definition():
    self.logger.error( "No definition for {!r}".format(nm) )
    self.errors += 1

Web Chunk check reference counts are all one (105). Used by: Web Chunk cross reference methods... (104)

The one-pass version

for nm,cl in self.named.items():
    if len(cl) > 0:
        if cl[0].refCount == 0:
           self.logger.warn( "No reference to {!r}".format(nm) )
        elif cl[0].refCount > 1:
           self.logger.warn( "Multiple references to {!r}".format(nm) )
        self.logger.error( "No definition for {!r}".format(nm) )

We use three methods to filter chunk names into the various warning categories. The no_reference list is a list of chunks defined by never referenced. The multi_reference list is a list of chunks defined by never referenced. The no_definition list is a list of chunks referenced but not defined.

Web Chunk cross reference methods (106) +=

def no_reference( self ):
    return [ nm for nm,cl in self.named.items() if len(cl)>0 and cl[0].refCount == 0 ]
def multi_reference( self ):
    return [ nm for nm,cl in self.named.items() if len(cl)>0 and cl[0].refCount > 1 ]
def no_definition( self ):
    return [ nm for nm,cl in self.named.items() if len(cl) == 0 ]

Web Chunk cross reference methods (106). Used by: Web class... (95)

The fileXref() method visits all named file output chunks in output and collects the sequence numbers of each section in the sequence of chunks.

The chunkXref() method uses the same algorithm as a the fileXref() method, but applies it to the named mapping.

Web Chunk cross reference methods (107) +=

def fileXref( self ):
    fx= {}
    for f,cList in self.output.items():
        fx[f]= [ c.seq for c in cList ]
    return fx
def chunkXref( self ):
    mx= {}
    for n,cList in self.named.items():
        mx[n]= [ c.seq for c in cList ]
    return mx

Web Chunk cross reference methods (107). Used by: Web class... (95)

The userNamesXref() method creates a mapping for each user identifier. The value for this mapping is a tuple with the chunk that defined the identifer (via a @| command), and a sequence of chunks that reference the identifier.

For example: { 'Web': ( 87, (88,93,96,101,102,104) ), 'Chunk': ( 53, (54,55,56,60,57,58,59) ) }, shows that the identifier 'Web' is defined in chunk with a sequence number of 87, and referenced in the sequence of chunks that follow.

This works in two passes:

  1. _gatherUserId() gathers all user identifiers
  2. _updateUserId() searches all text commands for the identifiers and updates the Web class cross reference information.

Web Chunk cross reference methods (108) +=

def userNamesXref( self ):
    ux= {}
    self._gatherUserId( self.named, ux )
    self._gatherUserId( self.output, ux )
    self._updateUserId( self.named, ux )
    self._updateUserId( self.output, ux )
    return ux
def _gatherUserId( self, chunkMap, ux ):
    →collect all user identifiers from a given map into ux (109)
def _updateUserId( self, chunkMap, ux ):
    →find user identifier usage and update ux from the given map (110)

Web Chunk cross reference methods (108). Used by: Web class... (95)

User identifiers are collected by visiting each of the sequence of Chunks that share the same name; within each component chunk, if chunk has identifiers assigned by the @| command, these are seeded into the dictionary. If the chunk does not permit identifiers, it simply returns an empty list as a default action.

collect all user identifiers from a given map into ux (109) =

for n,cList in chunkMap.items():
    for c in cList:
        for id in c.getUserIDRefs():
            ux[id]= ( c.seq, [] )

collect all user identifiers from a given map into ux (109). Used by: Web Chunk cross reference methods... (108)

User identifiers are cross-referenced by visiting each of the sequence of Chunks that share the same name; within each component chunk, visit each user identifier; if the Chunk class searchForRE() method matches an identifier, this is appended to the sequence of chunks that reference the original user identifier.

find user identifier usage and update ux from the given map (110) =

# examine source for occurrences of all names in ux.keys()
for id in ux.keys():
    self.logger.debug( "References to {!r}".format(id) )
    idpat= re.compile( r'\W{!s}\W'.format(id) )
    for n,cList in chunkMap.items():
        for c in cList:
            if c.seq != ux[id][0] and c.searchForRE( idpat ):
                ux[id][1].append( c.seq )

find user identifier usage and update ux from the given map (110). Used by: Web Chunk cross reference methods... (108)

Loop Detection

How do we assure that the web is a proper tree and doesn't contain any loops?

Consider this example web

@o example1 @{
    @<part 1A@>

@d part 1A @{
    @<part 1B@>

@d part 1B @{
    @<part 1A@>

All valid chunks are must be referenced from a @o chunk, either directly, or indirectly via one or more @<name@> references. This defines a proper tree with @o at the root and children at each @d.

Each chunk can have multiple references to further @d definitions. No chunk can reference the @o definition at the root.

To be circular, two @d chunks must reference each other.

To be valid, either (or both) must be named by the @o. There will, therefore, be two references: from the @o and a @d. Our check for duplicate references will spot this.

We do not need to do a proper BFS or DFS through the graph to check for loops. The simple reference count will do.

Tangle and Weave Support

The language() method makes a stab at determining the output language. The determination of the language can be done a variety of ways. One is to use command line parameters, another is to use the filename extension on the input file.

We examine the first few characters of input. A proper HTML, XHTML or XML file begins with '<!', '<?' or '<H'. LaTeX files typically begin with '%' or ''. Everything else is probably RST.

Web determination of the language from the first chunk (111) =

def language( self, preferredWeaverClass=None ):
    """Construct a weaver appropriate to the document's language"""
    if preferredWeaverClass:
        return preferredWeaverClass()
    self.logger.debug( "Picking a weaver based on first chunk {!r}".format(self.chunkSeq[0][:4]) )
    if self.chunkSeq[0].startswith('<'):
        return HTML()
    if self.chunkSeq[0].startswith('%') or self.chunkSeq[0].startswith('\\'):
        return LaTeX()
    return RST()

Web determination of the language from the first chunk (111). Used by: Web class... (95)

The tangle() method of the Web class performs the tangle() method for each Chunk of each named output file. Note that several Chunks may share the file name, requiring the file be composed of material from each Chunk, in order.

Web tangle the output files (112) =

def tangle( self, aTangler ):
    for f, c in self.output.items():
            for p in c:
                p.tangle( self, aTangler )

Web tangle the output files (112). Used by: Web class... (95)

The weave() method of the Web class creates the final documentation. This is done by stepping through each Chunk in sequence and weaving the chunk into the resulting file via the Chunk class weave() method.

During weaving of a chunk, the chunk may reference another chunk. When weaving a reference to a named chunk (output or ordinary programming source defined with @{), this does not lead to transitive weaving: only a reference is put in from one chunk to another. However, when weaving a chunk defined with @[, the chunk is expanded when weaving. The decision is delegated to the referenced chunk.

TODO Can we refactor weaveChunk out of here entirely?
Should it go in ReferenceCommand weave...?

Web weave the output document (113) =

def weave( self, aWeaver ):
    self.logger.debug( "Weaving file from {!r}".format(self.webFileName) )
    basename, _ = os.path.splitext( self.webFileName )
        for c in self.chunkSeq:
            c.weave( self, aWeaver )
def weaveChunk( self, name, aWeaver ):
    self.logger.debug( "Weaving chunk {!r}".format(name) )
    chunkList= self.getchunk(name)
    if not chunkList:
        raise Error( "No Definition for {!r}".format(name) )
    chunkList[0].weaveReferenceTo( self, aWeaver )
    for p in chunkList[1:]:
        aWeaver.write( aWeaver.referenceSep() )
        p.weaveShortReferenceTo( self, aWeaver )

Web weave the output document (113). Used by: Web class... (95)

The WebReader Class

There are two forms of the constructor for a WebReader. The initial WebReader instance is created with code like the following:

p= WebReader()
p.command = options.commandCharacter

This will define the command character; usually provided as a command-line parameter to the application.

When processing an include file (with the @i command), a child WebReader instance is created with code like the following:

c= WebReader( parent=parentWebReader )

This will inherit the configuration from the parent WebReader. This will also include a reference from child to parent so that embedded Python expressions can view the entire input context.

The WebReader class parses the input file into command blocks. These are assembled into Chunks, and the Chunks are assembled into the document Web. Once this input pass is complete, the resulting Web can be tangled or woven.

"Structural" commands define the structure of the Chunks. The structural commands are @d and @o, as well as the @{, @}, @[, @] brackets, and the @i command to include another file.

"Inline" commands are inline within a Chunk: they define internal Commands. Blocks of text are minor commands, as well as the @<name@> references. The @@ escape is also handled here so that all further processing is independent of any parsing.

"Content" commands generate woven content. These include the various cross-reference commands (@f, @m and @u).

There are two class-level OptionParser instances used by this class.

 An OptionParser used to parse the @o command.
 An OptionParser used to parse the @d command.

The class has the following attributes:

parent:is the outer WebReader when processing a @i command.
command:is the command character; a WebReader will use the parent command character if the parent is not None.
permitList:is the list of commands that are permitted to fail. This is generally an empty list or ('@i',).
_source:The open source being used by load().
fileName:is used to pass the file name to the Web instance.
theWeb:is the current open Web.
tokenizer:An instance of Tokenizer used to parse the input. This is built when load() is called.
aChunk:is the current open Chunk being built.

WebReader class - parses the input file, building the Web structure (114) =

class WebReader:
    """Parse an input file, creating Chunks and Commands."""

    output_option_parser= OptionParser(
        OptionDef( "-start", nargs=1, default=None ),
        OptionDef( "-end", nargs=1, default="" ),
        OptionDef( "argument", nargs='*' ),

    definition_option_parser= OptionParser(
        OptionDef( "-indent", nargs=0 ),
        OptionDef( "-noindent", nargs=0 ),
        OptionDef( "argument", nargs='*' ),

    def __init__( self, parent=None ):
        self.logger= logging.getLogger( self.__class__.__qualname__ )

        # Configuration of this reader.
        self.parent= parent
        if self.parent:
            self.command= self.parent.command
            self.permitList= self.parent.permitList
        else: # Defaults until overridden
            self.command= '@'
            self.permitList= []

        # Load options
        self._source= None
        self.fileName= None
        self.theWeb= None

        # State of reading and parsing.
        self.tokenizer= None
        self.aChunk= None

        # Summary
        self.totalLines= 0
        self.totalFiles= 0
        self.errors= 0

        →WebReader command literals (130)
    def __str__( self ):
        return self.__class__.__name__
    →WebReader location in the input stream (128)
    →WebReader load the web (129)
    →WebReader handle a command string (115), →(127)

WebReader class - parses the input file, building the Web structure (114). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

Command recognition is done via a Chain of Command-like design. There are two conditions: the command string is recognized or it is not recognized. If the command is recognized, handleCommand() either:

  • (for "structural" commands) attaches the current Chunk (self.aChunk) to the current Web (self.aWeb), or
  • (for "inline" and "content" commands) create a Command, attach it to the current Chunk (self.aChunk)

and returns a true result.

If the command is not recognized, handleCommand() returns false.

A subclass can override handleCommand() to

  1. call this superclass version;
  2. if the command is unknown to the superclass, then the subclass can attempt to process it;
  3. if the command is unknown to both classes, then return false. Either a subclass will handle it, or the default activity taken by load() is to treat the command a text, but also issue a warning.

WebReader handle a command string (115) =

def handleCommand( self, token ):
    self.logger.debug( "Reading {!r}".format(token) )
    →major commands segment the input into separate Chunks (116)
    →minor commands add Commands to the current Chunk (121)
    elif token[:2] in (self.cmdlcurl,self.cmdlbrak):
        # These should have been consumed as part of @o and @d parsing
        self.logger.error( "Extra {!r} (possibly missing chunk name) near {!r}".format(token, self.location()) )
        self.errors += 1
        return None # did not recogize the command
    return True # did recognize the command

WebReader handle a command string (115). Used by: WebReader class... (114)

The following sequence of if-elif statements identifies the structural commands that partition the input into separate Chunks.

major commands segment the input into separate Chunks (116) =

if token[:2] == self.cmdo:
    →start an OutputChunk, adding it to the web (117)
elif token[:2] == self.cmdd:
    →start a NamedChunk or NamedDocumentChunk, adding it to the web (118)
elif token[:2] == self.cmdi:
    →import another file (119)
elif token[:2] in (self.cmdrcurl,self.cmdrbrak):
    →finish a chunk, start a new Chunk adding it to the web (120)

major commands segment the input into separate Chunks (116). Used by: WebReader handle a command... (115)

An output chunk has the form @o name @{ content @}. We use the first two tokens to name the OutputChunk. We simply expect the @{ separator. We then attach all subsequent commands to this chunk while waiting for the final @} token to end the chunk.

We'll use an OptionParser to locate the optional parameters. This will then let us build an appropriate instance of OutputChunk.

With some small additional changes, we could use OutputChunk( **options ).

start an OutputChunk, adding it to the web (117) =

args= next(self.tokenizer)
self.expect( (self.cmdlcurl,) )
options= self.output_option_parser.parse( args )
self.aChunk= OutputChunk( name=options['argument'],
        comment_start= options.get('start',None),
        comment_end= options.get('end',""),
self.aChunk.fileName= self.fileName
self.aChunk.webAdd( self.theWeb )
# capture an OutputChunk up to @}

start an OutputChunk, adding it to the web (117). Used by: major commands... (116)

A named chunk has the form @d name @{ content @} for code and @d name @[ content @] for document source. We use the first two tokens to name the NamedChunk or NamedDocumentChunk. We expect either the @{ or @[ separator, and use the actual token found to choose which subclass of Chunk to create. We then attach all subsequent commands to this chunk while waiting for the final @} or @] token to end the chunk.

We'll use an OptionParser to locate the optional parameter of -noindent.

[Or possibly -indent number?]

Then we can use options to create an appropriate subclass of NamedChunk.

If "-indent" is in options, this is the default. If both are in the options, we can provide a warning, I guess.

TODO Add a warning for conflicting options.

start a NamedChunk or NamedDocumentChunk, adding it to the web (118) =

args= next(self.tokenizer)
brack= self.expect( (self.cmdlcurl,self.cmdlbrak) )
options= self.output_option_parser.parse( args )

if brack == self.cmdlbrak:
    self.aChunk= NamedDocumentChunk( name )
elif brack == self.cmdlcurl:
    if '-noindent' in options:
        self.aChunk= NamedChunk_Noindent( name )
        self.aChunk= NamedChunk( name )
elif brack == None:
    pass # Error noted by expect()
    raise Error( "Design Error" )

self.aChunk.fileName= self.fileName
self.aChunk.webAdd( self.theWeb )
# capture a NamedChunk up to @} or @]

start a NamedChunk or NamedDocumentChunk, adding it to the web (118). Used by: major commands... (116)

An import command has the unusual form of @i name, with no trailing separator. When we encounter the @i token, the next token will start with the file name, but may continue with an anonymous chunk. We require that all @i commands occur at the end of a line, and break on the '\n' which must occur after the file name. This permits file names with embedded spaces. It also permits arguments and options, if really necessary.

Once we have split the file name away from the rest of the following anonymous chunk, we push the following token back into the token stream, so that it will be the first token examined at the top of the load() loop.

We create a child WebReader instance to process the included file. The entire file is loaded into the current Web instance. A new, empty Chunk is created at the end of the file so that processing can resume with an anonymous Chunk.

The reader has a permitList attribute. This lists any commands where failure is permitted. Currently, only the @i command can be set to permit failure; this allows a .w to include a file that does not yet exist.

The primary use case for this feature is when weaving test output. The first pass of pyWeb tangles the program source files; they are then run to create test output; the second pass of pyWeb weaves this test output into the final document via the @i command.

import another file (119) =

incFile= next(self.tokenizer).strip()
try: "Including {!r}".format(incFile) )
    include= WebReader( parent=self )
    include.load( self.theWeb, incFile )
    self.totalLines += include.tokenizer.lineNumber
    self.totalFiles += include.totalFiles
    if include.errors:
        self.errors += include.errors
            "Errors in included file {!s}, output is incomplete.".format(
            incFile) )
except Error as e:
        "Problems with included file {!s}, output is incomplete.".format(
        incFile) )
    self.errors += 1
except IOError as e:
        "Problems with included file {!s}, output is incomplete.".format(
        incFile) )
    # Discretionary -- sometimes we want to continue
    if self.cmdi in self.permitList: pass
    else: raise # TODO: Seems heavy-handed
self.aChunk= Chunk()
self.aChunk.webAdd( self.theWeb )

import another file (119). Used by: major commands... (116)

When a @} or @] are found, this finishes a named chunk. The next text is therefore part of an anonymous chunk.

Note that no check is made to assure that the previous Chunk was indeed a named chunk or output chunk started with @{ or @[. To do this, an attribute would be needed for each Chunk subclass that indicated if a trailing bracket was necessary. For the base Chunk class, this would be false, but for all other subclasses of Chunk, this would be true.

finish a chunk, start a new Chunk adding it to the web (120) =

self.aChunk= Chunk()
self.aChunk.webAdd( self.theWeb )

finish a chunk, start a new Chunk adding it to the web (120). Used by: major commands... (116)

The following sequence of elif statements identifies the minor commands that add Command instances to the current open Chunk.

minor commands add Commands to the current Chunk (121) =

elif token[:2] == self.cmdpipe:
    →assign user identifiers to the current chunk (122)
elif token[:2] == self.cmdf:
    self.aChunk.append( FileXrefCommand(self.tokenizer.lineNumber) )
elif token[:2] == self.cmdm:
    self.aChunk.append( MacroXrefCommand(self.tokenizer.lineNumber) )
elif token[:2] == self.cmdu:
    self.aChunk.append( UserIdXrefCommand(self.tokenizer.lineNumber) )
elif token[:2] == self.cmdlangl:
    →add a reference command to the current chunk (123)
elif token[:2] == self.cmdlexpr:
    →add an expression command to the current chunk (125)
elif token[:2] == self.cmdcmd:
    →double at-sign replacement, append this character to previous TextCommand (126)

minor commands add Commands to the current Chunk (121). Used by: WebReader handle a command... (115)

User identifiers occur after a @| in a NamedChunk.

Note that no check is made to assure that the previous Chunk was indeed a named chunk or output chunk started with @{. To do this, an attribute would be needed for each Chunk subclass that indicated if user identifiers are permitted. For the base Chunk class, this would be false, but for the NamedChunk class and OutputChunk class, this would be true.

User identifiers are name references at the end of a NamedChunk These are accumulated and expanded by @u reference

assign user identifiers to the current chunk (122) =

    self.aChunk.setUserIDRefs( next(self.tokenizer).strip() )
except AttributeError:
    # Out of place @| user identifier command
    self.logger.error( "Unexpected references near {!s}: {!s}".format(self.location(),token) )
    self.errors += 1

assign user identifiers to the current chunk (122). Used by: minor commands... (121)

A reference command has the form @<name@>. We accept three tokens from the input, the middle token is the referenced name.

add a reference command to the current chunk (123) =

# get the name, introduce into the named Chunk dictionary
expand= next(self.tokenizer).strip()
closing= self.expect( (self.cmdrangl,) )
self.theWeb.addDefName( expand )
self.aChunk.append( ReferenceCommand( expand, self.tokenizer.lineNumber ) )
self.aChunk.appendText( "", self.tokenizer.lineNumber ) # to collect following text
self.logger.debug( "Reading {!r} {!r}".format(expand, closing) )

add a reference command to the current chunk (123). Used by: minor commands... (121)

An expression command has the form @(Python Expression@). We accept three tokens from the input, the middle token is the expression.

There are two alternative semantics for an embedded expression.

  • Deferred Execution. This requires definition of a new subclass of Command, ExpressionCommand, and appends it into the current Chunk. At weave and tangle time, this expression is evaluated. The insert might look something like this: aChunk.append( ExpressionCommand(expression, self.tokenizer.lineNumber) ).
  • Immediate Execution. This simply creates a context and evaluates the Python expression. The output from the expression becomes a TextCommand, and is append to the current Chunk.

We use the Immediate Execution semantics.

Note that we've removed the blanket os. We only provide os.path. An os.getcwd() must be changed to os.path.realpath('.').

Imports (124) +=

import builtins
import sys
import platform

Imports (124). Used by: (153)

add an expression command to the current chunk (125) =

# get the Python expression, create the expression result
expression= next(self.tokenizer)
self.expect( (self.cmdrexpr,) )
    # Build Context
    safe= types.SimpleNamespace( **dict( (name,obj)
        for name,obj in builtins.__dict__.items()
        if name not in ('eval', 'exec', 'open', '__import__')))
    globals= dict(
        __builtins__= safe,
        os= types.SimpleNamespace(path=os.path),
        datetime= datetime,
        platform= platform,
        theLocation= self.location(),
        theWebReader= self,
        theFile= self.theWeb.webFileName,
        thisApplication= sys.argv[0],
        __version__= __version__,
    # Evaluate
    result= str(eval(expression, globals))
except Exception as e:
    self.logger.error( 'Failure to process {!r}: result is {!r}'.format(expression, e) )
    self.errors += 1
    result= "@({!r}: Error {!r}@)".format(expression, e)
self.aChunk.appendText( result, self.tokenizer.lineNumber )

add an expression command to the current chunk (125). Used by: minor commands... (121)

A double command sequence ('@@', when the command is an '@') has the usual meaning of '@' in the input stream. We do this via the appendText() method of the current Chunk. This will append the character on the end of the most recent TextCommand; if this fails, it will create a new, empty TextCommand.

We replace with '@' here and now! This is put this at the end of the previous chunk. And we make sure the next chunk will be appended to this so that it's largely seamless.

double at-sign replacement, append this character to previous TextCommand (126) =

self.aChunk.appendText( self.command, self.tokenizer.lineNumber )

double at-sign replacement, append this character to previous TextCommand (126). Used by: minor commands... (121)

The expect() method examines the next token to see if it is the expected item. '\n' are absorbed. If this is not found, a standard type of error message is raised. This is used by handleCommand().

WebReader handle a command string (127) +=

def expect( self, tokens ):
        t= next(self.tokenizer)
        while t == '\n':
            t= next(self.tokenizer)
    except StopIteration:
        self.logger.error( "At {!r}: end of input, {!r} not found".format(self.location(),tokens) )
        self.errors += 1
    if t not in tokens:
        self.logger.error( "At {!r}: expected {!r}, found {!r}".format(self.location(),tokens,t) )
        self.errors += 1
    return t

WebReader handle a command string (127). Used by: WebReader class... (114)

The location() provides the file name and line number. This allows error messages as well as tangled or woven output to correctly reference the original input files.

WebReader location in the input stream (128) =

def location( self ):
    return (self.fileName, self.tokenizer.lineNumber+1)

WebReader location in the input stream (128). Used by: WebReader class... (114)

The load() method reads the entire input file as a sequence of tokens, split up by the Tokenizer. Each token that appears to be a command is passed to the handleCommand() method. If the handleCommand() method returns a True result, the command was recognized and placed in the Web. If handleCommand() returns a False result, the command was unknown, and we write a warning but treat it as text.

The load() method is used recursively to handle the @i command. The issue is that it's always loading a single top-level web.

WebReader load the web (129) =

def load( self, web, filename, source=None ):
    self.theWeb= web
    self.fileName= filename

    # Only set the a web filename once using the first file.
    # This should be a setter property of the web.
    if self.theWeb.webFileName is None:
        self.theWeb.webFileName= self.fileName

    if source:
        self._source= source
        with open( self.fileName, "r" ) as self._source:

def parse_source( self ):
        self.tokenizer= Tokenizer( self._source, self.command )
        self.totalFiles += 1

        self.aChunk= Chunk() # Initial anonymous chunk of text.
        self.aChunk.webAdd( self.theWeb )

        for token in self.tokenizer:
            if len(token) >= 2 and token.startswith(self.command):
                if self.handleCommand( token ):
                    self.logger.warn( 'Unknown @-command in input: {!r}'.format(token) )
                    self.aChunk.appendText( token, self.tokenizer.lineNumber )
            elif token:
                # Accumulate a non-empty block of text in the current chunk.
                self.aChunk.appendText( token, self.tokenizer.lineNumber )

WebReader load the web (129). Used by: WebReader class... (114)

The command character can be changed to permit some flexibility when working with languages that make extensive use of the @ symbol, i.e., PERL. The initialization of the WebReader is based on the selected command character.

WebReader command literals (130) =

# Structural ("major") commands
self.cmdo= self.command+'o'
self.cmdd= self.command+'d'
self.cmdlcurl= self.command+'{'
self.cmdrcurl= self.command+'}'
self.cmdlbrak= self.command+'['
self.cmdrbrak= self.command+']'
self.cmdi= self.command+'i'

# Inline ("minor") commands
self.cmdlangl= self.command+'<'
self.cmdrangl= self.command+'>'
self.cmdpipe= self.command+'|'
self.cmdlexpr= self.command+'('
self.cmdrexpr= self.command+')'
self.cmdcmd= self.command+self.command

# Content "minor" commands
self.cmdf= self.command+'f'
self.cmdm= self.command+'m'
self.cmdu= self.command+'u'

WebReader command literals (130). Used by: WebReader class... (114)

The Tokenizer Class

The WebReader requires a tokenizer. The tokenizer breaks the input text into a stream of tokens. There are two broad classes of tokens:

  • @. command tokens, including the structural, inline, and content commands.
  • \n. Inside text, these matter. Within structure command tokens, these don't matter. Except after the filename after an @i command, where it ends the command.
  • The remaining text.

The tokenizer works by reading the entire file and splitting on @. patterns. The split() method of the Python re module will separate the input and preserve the actual character sequence on which the input was split. This breaks the input into blocks of text separated by the @. characters.

This tokenizer splits the input using (r'@.|\n'). The idea is that we locate commands, newlines and the interstitial text as three classes of tokens. We can then assemble each Command instance from a short sequence of tokens. The core TextCommand and CodeCommand will be a line of text ending with the \n.

The re.split() method will include an empty string when the split pattern occurs at the very beginning or very end of the input. For example:

>>> pat.split( "@{hi mom@}")
['', '@{', 'hi mom', '@}', '']

We can safely filter these via a generator expression.

The tokenizer counts newline characters for us, so that error messages can include a line number. Also, we can tangle comments into the file that include line numbers.

Since the tokenizer is a proper iterator, we can use tokens= iter(Tokenizer(source)) and next(tokens) to step through the sequence of tokens until we raise a StopIteration exception.

Imports (131) +=

import re

Imports (131). Used by: (153)

Tokenizer class - breaks input into tokens (132) =

class Tokenizer:
    def __init__( self, stream, command_char='@' ):
        self.command= command_char
        self.parsePat= re.compile( r'({!s}.|\n)'.format(self.command) )
        self.token_iter= (t for t in self.parsePat.split( ) if len(t) != 0)
        self.lineNumber= 0
    def __next__( self ):
        token= next(self.token_iter)
        self.lineNumber += token.count('\n')
        return token
    def __iter__( self ):
        return self

Tokenizer class - breaks input into tokens (132). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

The Option Parser Class

For some commands (@d and @o) we have options as well as the chunk name or file name. This roughly parallels the way Tcl or the shell works.

The two examples are

  • @o which has an optional -start and -end that are used to provide comment bracketing information. For example:

    @0 -start /* -end */ something.css

    Provides two options in addition to the required filename.

  • @d which has an optional -noident or -indent that is used to provide the indentation rules for this chunk. Some chunks are not indented automatically. It's up to the author to get the indentation right. This is used in the case of a Python """ string that would be ruined by indentation.

To handle this, we have a separate lexical scanner and parser for these two commands.

Imports (133) +=

import shlex

Imports (133). Used by: (153)

Here's how we can define an option.

    OptionDef( "-start", nargs=1, default=None ),
    OptionDef( "-end", nargs=1, default="" ),
    OptionDef( "-indent", nargs=0 ), # A default
    OptionDef( "-noindent", nargs=0 ),
    OptionDef( "argument", nargs='*' ),

The idea is to parallel argparse.add_argument() syntax.

Option Parser class - locates optional values on commands (134) =

class OptionDef:
    def __init__( self, name, **kw ): name
        self.__dict__.update( kw )

Option Parser class - locates optional values on commands (134). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

The parser breaks the text into words using shelex rules. It then steps through the words, accumulating the options and the final argument value.

Option Parser class - locates optional values on commands (135) +=

class OptionParser:
    def __init__( self, *arg_defs ):
        self.args= dict( (,arg) for arg in arg_defs )
        self.trailers= [k for k in self.args.keys() if not k.startswith('-')]
    def parse( self, text ):
            word_iter= iter(shlex.split(text))
        except ValueError as e:
            raise Error( "Error parsing options in {!r}".format(text) )
        options = dict( s for s in self._group( word_iter ) )
        return options
    def _group( self, word_iter ):
        option, value, final= None, [], []
        for word in word_iter:
            if word == '--':
                if option:
                    yield option, value
                    final= [next(word_iter)]
                except StopIteration:
                    final= [] # Special case of '--' at the end.
            elif word.startswith('-'):
                if word in self.args:
                    if option:
                        yield option, value
                    option, value = word, []
                    raise ParseError( "Unknown option {0}".format(word) )
                if option:
                    if self.args[option].nargs == len(value):
                        yield option, value
                        final= [word]
                        value.append( word )
                    final= [word]
        # In principle, we step through the trailers based on nargs counts.
        for word in word_iter:
            final.append( word )
        yield self.trailers[0], " ".join(final)

Option Parser class - locates optional values on commands (135). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

In principle, we step through the trailers based on nargs counts. Since we only ever have the one trailer, we skate by.

The loop becomes a bit more complex to capture the positional arguments, in order. First, we have to use an OrderedDict instead of a dict.

Then we'd have a loop something like this. (Untested, incomplete, just hand-waving.)

trailers= self.trailers[:] # Stateful shallow copy
for word in word_iter:
    if len(final) == trailers[-1].nargs: # nargs=='*' vs. nargs=int??
        yield trailers[0], " ".join(final)
        final= 0
yield trailers[0], " ".join(final)

Action Class Hierarchy

This application performs three major actions: loading the document web, weaving and tangling. Generally, the use case is to perform a load, weave and tangle. However, a less common use case is to first load and tangle output files, run a regression test and then load and weave a result that includes the test output file.

The -x option excludes one of the two output actions. The -xw excludes the weave pass, doing only the tangle action. The -xt excludes the tangle pass, doing the weave action.

This two pass action might be embedded in the following type of Python program.

import pyweb, os, runpy, sys
pyweb.tangle( "source.w" )
with open("source.log", "w") as target:
    sys.stdout= target
    runpy.run_path( '' )
    sys.stdout= sys.__stdout__
pyweb.weave( "source.w" )

The first step runs pyWeb, excluding the final weaving pass. The second step runs the tangled program,, and produces test results in some log file, source.log. The third step runs pyWeb excluding the tangle pass. This produces a final document that includes the source.log test results.

To accomplish this, we provide a class hierarchy that defines the various actions of the pyWeb application. This class hierarchy defines an extensible set of fundamental actions. This gives us the flexibility to create a simple sequence of actions and execute any combination of these. It eliminates the need for a forest of if-statements to determine precisely what will be done.

Each action has the potential to update the state of the overall application. A partner with this command hierarchy is the Application class that defines the application options, inputs and results.

Action class hierarchy - used to describe basic actions of the application (136) =

→Action superclass has common features of all actions (137)
→ActionSequence subclass that holds a sequence of other actions (140)
→WeaveAction subclass initiates the weave action (144)
→TangleAction subclass initiates the tangle action (147)
→LoadAction subclass loads the document web (150)

Action class hierarchy - used to describe basic actions of the application (136). Used by: Base Class Definitions (1)

Action Class

The Action class embodies the basic operations of pyWeb. The intent of this hierarchy is to both provide an easily expanded method of adding new actions, but an easily specified list of actions for a particular run of pyWeb.

The overall process of the application is defined by an instance of Action. This instance may be the WeaveAction instance, the TangleAction instance or a ActionSequence instance.

The instance is constructed during parsing of the input parameters. Then the Action class perform() method is called to actually perform the action. There are three standard Action instances available: an instance that is a macro and does both tangling and weaving, an instance that excludes tangling, and an instance that excludes weaving. These correspond to the command-line options.

anOp= SomeAction( parameters )
anOp.options= argparse.Namespace
anOp.web = Current web

The Action is the superclass for all actions. An Action has a number of common attributes.

name:A name for this action.
options:The argparse.Namespace object.
web:The current web that's being processed.
The time at which the action started.

Action superclass has common features of all actions (137) =

class Action:
    """An action performed by pyWeb."""
    def __init__( self, name ): name
        self.web= None
        self.options= None
        self.start= None
        self.logger= logging.getLogger( self.__class__.__qualname__ )
    def __str__( self ):
        return "{!s} [{!s}]".format(, self.web )
    →Action call method actually does the real work (138)
    →Action final summary of what was done (139)

Action superclass has common features of all actions (137). Used by: Action class hierarchy... (136)

The __call__() method does the real work of the action. For the superclass, it merely logs a message. This is overridden by a subclass.

Action call method actually does the real work (138) =

def __call__( self ): "Starting {!s}".format( )
    self.start= time.process_time()

Action call method actually does the real work (138). Used by: Action superclass... (137)

The summary() method returns some basic processing statistics for this action.

Action final summary of what was done (139) =

def duration( self ):
    """Return duration of the action."""
    return (self.start and time.process_time()-self.start) or 0
def summary( self ):
    return "{!s} in {:0.2f} sec.".format(, self.duration() )

Action final summary of what was done (139). Used by: Action superclass... (137)

ActionSequence Class

A ActionSequence defines a composite action; it is a sequence of other actions. When the macro is performed, it delegates to the sub-actions.

The instance is created during parsing of input parameters. An instance of this class is one of the three standard actions available; it generally is the default, "do everything" action.

This class overrides the perform() method of the superclass. It also adds an append() method that is used to construct the sequence of actions.

ActionSequence subclass that holds a sequence of other actions (140) =

class ActionSequence( Action ):
    """An action composed of a sequence of other actions."""
    def __init__( self, name, opSequence=None ):
        super().__init__( name )
        if opSequence: self.opSequence= opSequence
        else: self.opSequence= []
    def __str__( self ):
        return "; ".join( [ str(x) for x in self.opSequence ] )
    →ActionSequence call method delegates the sequence of ations (141)
    →ActionSequence append adds a new action to the sequence (142)
    →ActionSequence summary summarizes each step (143)

ActionSequence subclass that holds a sequence of other actions (140). Used by: Action class hierarchy... (136)

Since the macro __call__() method delegates to other Actions, it is possible to short-cut argument processing by using the Python *args construct to accept all arguments and pass them to each sub-action.

ActionSequence call method delegates the sequence of ations (141) =

def __call__( self ):
    for o in self.opSequence:
        o.web= self.web
        o.options= self.options

ActionSequence call method delegates the sequence of ations (141). Used by: ActionSequence subclass... (140)

Since this class is essentially a wrapper around the built-in sequence type, we delegate sequence related actions directly to the underlying sequence.

ActionSequence append adds a new action to the sequence (142) =

def append( self, anAction ):
    self.opSequence.append( anAction )

ActionSequence append adds a new action to the sequence (142). Used by: ActionSequence subclass... (140)

The summary() method returns some basic processing statistics for each step of this action.

ActionSequence summary summarizes each step (143) =

def summary( self ):
    return ", ".join( [ o.summary() for o in self.opSequence ] )

ActionSequence summary summarizes each step (143). Used by: ActionSequence subclass... (140)

WeaveAction Class

The WeaveAction defines the action of weaving. This action logs a message, and invokes the weave() method of the Web instance. This method also includes the basic decision on which weaver to use. If a Weaver was specified on the command line, this instance is used. Otherwise, the first few characters are examined and a weaver is selected.

This class overrides the __call__() method of the superclass.

If the options include theWeaver, that Weaver instance will be used. Otherwise, the web.language() method function is used to guess what weaver to use.

WeaveAction subclass initiates the weave action (144) =

class WeaveAction( Action ):
    """Weave the final document."""
    def __init__( self ):
        super().__init__( "Weave" )
    def __str__( self ):
        return "{!s} [{!s}, {!s}]".format(, self.web, self.theWeaver )

    →WeaveAction call method to pick the language (145)
    →WeaveAction summary of language choice (146)

WeaveAction subclass initiates the weave action (144). Used by: Action class hierarchy... (136)

The language is picked just prior to weaving. It is either (1) the language specified on the command line, or, (2) if no language was specified, a language is selected based on the first few characters of the input.

Weaving can only raise an exception when there is a reference to a chunk that is never defined.

WeaveAction call method to pick the language (145) =

def __call__( self ):
    if not self.options.theWeaver:
        # Examine first few chars of first chunk of web to determine language
        self.options.theWeaver= self.web.language() "Using {0}".format(self.options.theWeaver.__class__.__name__) )
    self.options.theWeaver.reference_style= self.options.reference_style
        self.web.weave( self.options.theWeaver ) "Finished Normally" )
    except Error as e:
            "Problems weaving document from {!s} (weave file is faulty).".format(
            self.web.webFileName) )

WeaveAction call method to pick the language (145). Used by: WeaveAction subclass... (144)

The summary() method returns some basic processing statistics for the weave action.

WeaveAction summary of language choice (146) =

def summary( self ):
    if self.options.theWeaver and self.options.theWeaver.linesWritten > 0:
        return "{!s} {:d} lines in {:0.2f} sec.".format(,
        self.options.theWeaver.linesWritten, self.duration() )
    return "did not {!s}".format(, )

WeaveAction summary of language choice (146). Used by: WeaveAction subclass... (144)

TangleAction Class

The TangleAction defines the action of tangling. This operation logs a message, and invokes the weave() method of the Web instance. This method also includes the basic decision on which weaver to use. If a Weaver was specified on the command line, this instance is used. Otherwise, the first few characters are examined and a weaver is selected.

This class overrides the __call__() method of the superclass.

The options must include theTangler, with the Tangler instance to be used.

TangleAction subclass initiates the tangle action (147) =

class TangleAction( Action ):
    """Tangle source files."""
    def __init__( self ):
        super().__init__( "Tangle" )
    →TangleAction call method does tangling of the output files (148)
    →TangleAction summary method provides total lines tangled (149)

TangleAction subclass initiates the tangle action (147). Used by: Action class hierarchy... (136)

Tangling can only raise an exception when a cross reference request (@f, @m or @u) occurs in a program code chunk. Program code chunks are defined with any of @d or @o and use @{ @} brackets.

TangleAction call method does tangling of the output files (148) =

def __call__( self ):
    self.options.theTangler.include_line_numbers= self.options.tangler_line_numbers
        self.web.tangle( self.options.theTangler )
    except Error as e:
            "Problems tangling outputs from {!r} (tangle files are faulty).".format(
            self.web.webFileName) )

TangleAction call method does tangling of the output files (148). Used by: TangleAction subclass... (147)

The summary() method returns some basic processing statistics for the tangle action.

TangleAction summary method provides total lines tangled (149) =

def summary( self ):
    if self.options.theTangler and self.options.theTangler.linesWritten > 0:
        return "{!s} {:d} lines in {:0.2f} sec.".format(,
        self.options.theTangler.totalLines, self.duration() )
    return "did not {!r}".format(, )

TangleAction summary method provides total lines tangled (149). Used by: TangleAction subclass... (147)

LoadAction Class

The LoadAction defines the action of loading the web structure. This action uses the application's webReader to actually do the load.

An instance is created during parsing of the input parameters. An instance of this class is part of any of the weave, tangle and "do everything" action.

This class overrides the __call__() method of the superclass.

The options must include webReader, with the WebReader instance to be used.

LoadAction subclass loads the document web (150) =

class LoadAction( Action ):
    """Load the source web."""
    def __init__( self ):
        super().__init__( "Load" )
    def __str__( self ):
        return "Load [{!s}, {!s}]".format( self.webReader, self.web )
    →LoadAction call method loads the input files (151)
    →LoadAction summary provides lines read (152)

LoadAction subclass loads the document web (150). Used by: Action class hierarchy... (136)

Trying to load the web involves two steps, either of which can raise exceptions due to incorrect inputs.

  1. The WebReader class load() method can raise exceptions for a number of syntax errors as well as OS errors.
    • Missing closing brackets (@}, @] or @>).
    • Missing opening bracket (@{ or @[) after a chunk name (@d or @o).
    • Extra brackets (@{, @[, @}, @]).
    • Extra @|.
    • The input file does not exist or is not readable.
  2. The Web class createUsedBy() method can raise an exception when a chunk reference cannot be resolved to a named chunk.

LoadAction call method loads the input files (151) =

def __call__( self ):
    self.webReader= self.options.webReader
    self.webReader.command= self.options.command
    self.webReader.permitList= self.options.permitList
    self.web.webFileName= self.options.webFileName
    error= "Problems with source file {!r}, no output produced.".format(
        self.webReader.load( self.web, self.options.webFileName )
        if self.webReader.errors != 0:
            self.logger.error( error )
            raise Error( "Syntax Errors in the Web" )
        if self.webReader.errors != 0:
            self.logger.error( error )
            raise Error( "Internal Reference Errors in the Web" )
    except Error as e:
        raise # Older design.
    except IOError as e:

LoadAction call method loads the input files (151). Used by: LoadAction subclass... (150)

The summary() method returns some basic processing statistics for the load action.

LoadAction summary provides lines read (152) =

def summary( self ):
    return "{!s} {:d} lines from {:d} files in {:0.2f} sec.".format(, self.webReader.totalLines,
        self.webReader.totalFiles, self.duration() )

LoadAction summary provides lines read (152). Used by: LoadAction subclass... (150)

pyWeb Module File

The pyWeb application file is shown below: (153) =

→Overheads (155), →(156), →(157)
→Imports (11), →(47), →(96), →(124), →(131), →(133), →(154), →(158), →(164)
→Base Class Definitions (1)
→Application Class (159), →(160)
→Logging Setup (165), →(166)
→Interface Functions (167) (153).

The Overheads are described below, they include things like:

  • shell escape
  • doc string
  • __version__ setting

Python Library Imports are actually scattered in various places in this description.

The more important elements are described in separate sections:

  • Base Class Definitions
  • Application Class and Main Functions
  • Interface Functions

Python Library Imports

Numerous Python library modules are used by this application.

A few are listed here because they're used widely. Others are listed closer to where they're referenced.

  • The os module provide os-specific file and path manipulations; it is used to transform the input file name into the output file name as well as track down file modification times.
  • The time module provides a handy current-time string; this is used to by the HTML Weaver to write a closing timestamp on generated HTML files, as well as log messages.
  • The datetime module is used to format times, phasing out use of time.
  • The types module is used to get at SimpleNamespace for configuration.

Imports (154) +=

import os
import time
import datetime
import types

Imports (154). Used by: (153)

Note that os.path, time, datetime and platform` are provided in the expression context.


The shell escape is provided so that the user can define this file as executable, and launch it directly from their shell. The shell reads the first line of a file; when it finds the '#!' shell escape, the remainder of the line is taken as the path to the binary program that should be run. The shell runs this binary, providing the file as standard input.

Overheads (155) =

#!/usr/bin/env python

Overheads (155). Used by: (153)

A Python __doc__ string provides a standard vehicle for documenting the module or the application program. The usual style is to provide a one-sentence summary on the first line. This is followed by more detailed usage information.

Overheads (156) +=

"""pyWeb Literate Programming - tangle and weave tool.

Yet another simple literate programming tool derived from nuweb,
implemented entirely in Python.
This produces any markup for any programming language.

Usage: [-dvs] [-c x] [-w format] file.w

    -v           verbose output (the default)
    -s           silent output
    -d           debugging output
    -c x         change the command character from '@' to x
    -w format    Use the given weaver for the final document.
                 Choices are rst, html, latex and htmlshort.
                 Additionally, a `module.class` name can be used.
    -xw          Exclude weaving
    -xt          Exclude tangling
    -pi          Permit include-command errors
    -rt          Transitive references
    -rs          Simple references (default)
    -n           Include line number comments in the tangled source; requires
                 comment start and stop on the @o commands.

    file.w       The input file, with @o, @d, @i, @[, @{, @|, @<, @f, @m, @u commands.

Overheads (156). Used by: (153)

The keyword cruft is a standard way of placing version control information into a Python module so it is preserved. See PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal) #8 for information on recommended styles.

We also sneak in a "DO NOT EDIT" warning that belongs in all generated application source files.

Overheads (157) +=

__version__ = """2.3.2"""

### It was created by /Users/slott/Documents/Projects/pyWeb-2.3/pyweb/, __version__='2.3.2'.
### From source pyweb.w modified Mon Mar 17 10:13:24 2014.
### In working directory '/Users/slott/Documents/Projects/pyWeb-2.3/pyweb'.

Overheads (157). Used by: (153)

The Application Class

The Application class is provided so that the Action instances have an overall application to update. This allows the WeaveAction to provide the selected Weaver instance to the application. It also provides a central location for the various options and alternatives that might be accepted from the command line.

The constructor creates a default argparse.Namespace with values suitable for weaving and tangling.

The parseArgs() method uses the sys.argv sequence to parse the command line arguments and update the options. This allows a program to pre-process the arguments, passing other arguments to this module.

The process() method processes a list of files. This is either the list of files passed as an argument, or it is the list of files parsed by the parseArgs() method.

The parseArgs() and process() functions are separated so that another application can import pyweb, bypass command-line parsing, yet still perform the basic actionss simply and consistently. For example:

import pyweb, argparse

p= argparse.ArgumentParser()
argument definition
config = p.parse_args()

a= pyweb.Application()
Configure the Application based on options
a.process( config )

The main() function creates an Application instance and calls the parseArgs() and process() methods to provide the expected default behavior for this module when it is used as the main program.

The configuration can be either a types.SimpleNamespace or an argparse.Namespace instance.

Imports (158) +=

import argparse

Imports (158). Used by: (153)

Application Class (159) =

class Application:
    def __init__( self ):
        self.logger= logging.getLogger( self.__class__.__qualname__ )
        →Application default options (161)
    →Application parse command line (162)
    →Application class process all files (163)

Application Class (159). Used by: (153)

The first part of parsing the command line is setting default values that apply when parameters are omitted. The default values are set as follows:

defaults:A default configuration.
webReader:is the WebReader instance created for the current input file.
doWeave:instance of Action that does weaving only.
doTangle:instance of Action that does tangling only.
theAction:is an instance of Action that describes the default overall action: load, tangle and weave. This is the default unless overridden by an option.

Here are the configuration values. These are attributes of the argparse.namespace default as well as the updated namespace returned by parseArgs().

verbosity:Either logging.INFO, logging.WARN or logging.DEBUG
command:is set to @ as the default command introducer.
permit:The raw list of permitted command characters, perhaps 'i'.
permitList:provides a list of commands that are permitted to fail. Typically this is empty, or contains @i to allow the include command to fail.
files:is the final list of argument files from the command line; these will be processed unless overridden in the call to process().
a list of steps to skip: perhaps 'w' or 't' to skip weaving or tangling.
weaver:the short name of the weaver.
theTangler:is set to a TanglerMake instance to create the output files.
theWeaver:is set to an instance of a subclass of Weaver based on weaver

Other instance variables.

Here's the global list of available weavers. Essentially this is the subclass list of Weaver. Essentially, the list is this:

weavers = dict(
    (x.__class__.__name__.lower(), x)
    for x in Weaver.__subclasses__()

Rather than automate this, and potentially expose elements of the class hierarchy that aren't really meant to be used, we provide a manually-developed list.

Application Class (160) +=

# Global list of available weaver classes.
weavers = {
    'html':  HTML,
    'htmlshort': HTMLShort,
    'latex': LaTeX,
    'rst': RST,

Application Class (160). Used by: (153)

The defaults used for application configuration. The expand() method expands on these simple text values to create more useful objects.

Application default options (161) =

self.defaults= argparse.Namespace(
    verbosity= logging.INFO,
    command= '@',
    weaver= 'rst',
    skip= '', # Don't skip any steps
    permit= '', # Don't tolerate missing includes
    reference= 's', # Simple references
    tangler_line_numbers= False,
self.expand( self.defaults )

# Primitive Actions
self.loadOp= LoadAction()
self.weaveOp= WeaveAction()
self.tangleOp= TangleAction()

# Composite Actions
self.doWeave= ActionSequence( "load and weave", [self.loadOp, self.weaveOp] )
self.doTangle= ActionSequence( "load and tangle", [self.loadOp, self.tangleOp] )
self.theAction= ActionSequence( "load, tangle and weave", [self.loadOp, self.tangleOp, self.weaveOp] )

Application default options (161). Used by: Application Class... (159)

The algorithm for parsing the command line parameters uses the built in argparse module. We have to build a parser, define the options, and the parse the command-line arguments, updating the default namespace.

We further expand on the arguments. This transforms simple strings into object instances.

Application parse command line (162) =

def parseArgs( self ):
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    p.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbosity", action="store_const", const=logging.INFO )
    p.add_argument( "-s", "--silent", dest="verbosity", action="store_const", const=logging.WARN )
    p.add_argument( "-d", "--debug", dest="verbosity", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG )
    p.add_argument( "-c", "--command", dest="command", action="store" )
    p.add_argument( "-w", "--weaver", dest="weaver", action="store" )
    p.add_argument( "-x", "--except", dest="skip", action="store", choices=('w','t') )
    p.add_argument( "-p", "--permit", dest="permit", action="store" )
    p.add_argument( "-r", "--reference", dest="reference", action="store", choices=('t', 's') )
    p.add_argument( "-n", "--linenumbers", dest="tangler_line_numbers", action="store_true" )
    p.add_argument( "files", nargs='+' )
    config= p.parse_args( namespace=self.defaults )
    self.expand( config )
    return config

def expand( self, config ):
    """Translate the argument values from simple text to useful objects.
    Weaver. Tangler. WebReader.
    if config.reference == 't':
        config.reference_style = TransitiveReference()
    elif config.reference == 's':
        config.reference_style = SimpleReference()
        raise Error( "Improper configuration" )

        weaver_class= weavers[config.weaver.lower()]
    except KeyError:
        module_name, _, class_name = config.weaver.partition('.')
        weaver_module = __import__(module_name)
        weaver_class = weaver_module.__dict__[class_name]
        if not issubclass(weaver_class, Weaver):
            raise TypeError( "{0!r} not a subclass of Weaver".format(weaver_class) )
    config.theWeaver= weaver_class()

    config.theTangler= TanglerMake()

    if config.permit:
        # save permitted errors, usual case is ``-pi`` to permit ``@i`` include errors
        config.permitList= [ '{!s}{!s}'.format( config.command, c ) for c in config.permit ]
        config.permitList= []

    config.webReader= WebReader()

    return config

Application parse command line (162). Used by: Application Class... (159)

The process() function uses the current Application settings to process each file as follows:

  1. Create a new WebReader for the Application, providing the parameters required to process the input file.
  2. Create a Web instance, w and set the Web's sourceFileName from the WebReader's fileName.
  3. Perform the given command, typically a ActionSequence, which does some combination of load, tangle the output files and weave the final document in the target language; if necessary, examine the Web to determine the documentation language.
  4. Print a performance summary line that shows lines processed per second.

In the event of failure in any of the major processing steps, a summary message is produced, to clarify the state of the output files, and the exception is reraised. The re-raising is done so that all exceptions are handled by the outermost main program.

Application class process all files (163) =

def process( self, config ):
    root= logging.getLogger()
    root.setLevel( config.verbosity )
    self.logger.debug( "Setting root log level to {!r}".format(
        logging.getLevelName(root.getEffectiveLevel()) ) )

    if config.command:
        self.logger.debug( "Command character {!r}".format(config.command) )

    if config.skip:
        if config.skip.lower().startswith('w'): # not weaving == tangling
            self.theAction= self.doTangle
        elif config.skip.lower().startswith('t'): # not tangling == weaving
            self.theAction= self.doWeave
            raise Exception( "Unknown -x option {!r}".format(config.skip) ) "Weaver {!s}".format(config.theWeaver) )

    for f in config.files:
        w= Web() # New, empty web to load and process. "{!s} {!r}".format(, f) )
        config.webFileName= f
        self.theAction.web= w
        self.theAction.options= config
        self.theAction() self.theAction.summary() )

Application class process all files (163). Used by: Application Class... (159)

Logging Setup

We'll create a logging context manager. This allows us to wrap the main() function in an explicit with statement that assures that logging is configured and cleaned up politely.

Imports (164) +=

import logging
import logging.config

Imports (164). Used by: (153)

This has two configuration approaches. If a positional argument is given, that dictionary is used for logging.config.dictConfig. Otherwise, keyword arguments are provided to logging.basicConfig.

A subclass might properly load a dictionary encoded in YAML and use that with logging.config.dictConfig.

Logging Setup (165) =

class Logger:
    def __init__( self, dict_config=None, **kw_config ):
        self.dict_config= dict_config
        self.kw_config= kw_config
    def __enter__( self ):
        if self.dict_config:
            logging.config.dictConfig( self.dict_config )
            logging.basicConfig( **self.kw_config )
        return self
    def __exit__( self, *args ):
        return False

Logging Setup (165). Used by: (153)

Here's a sample logging setup. This creates a simple console handler and a formatter that matches the basicConfig formatter.

It defines the root logger plus two overrides for class loggers that might be used to gather additional information.

Logging Setup (166) +=

log_config= dict(
    version= 1,
    disable_existing_loggers= False, # Allow pre-existing loggers to work.
    handlers= {
        'console': {
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
            'stream': 'ext://sys.stderr',
            'formatter': 'basic',
    formatters = {
        'basic': {
            'format': "{levelname}:{name}:{message}",
            'style': "{",

    root= { 'handlers': ['console'], 'level': logging.INFO, },

    #For specific debugging support...
    loggers= {
    #    'RST': { 'level': logging.DEBUG },
    #    'TanglerMake': { 'level': logging.DEBUG },
    #    'WebReader': { 'level': logging.DEBUG },

Logging Setup (166). Used by: (153)

This seems a bit verbose; a separate configuration file might be better.

Also, we might want a decorator to define loggers consistently for each class.

The Main Function

The top-level interface is the main() function. This function creates an Application instance.

The Application object parses the command-line arguments. Then the Application object does the requested processing. This two-step process allows for some dependency injection to customize argument processing.

We might also want to parse a logging configuration file, as well as a weaver template configuration file.

Interface Functions (167) =

def main():
    a= Application()
    config= a.parseArgs()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with Logger( log_config ):
        main( )

Interface Functions (167). Used by: (153)

This can be extended by doing something like the following.

  1. Subclass Weaver create a subclass with different templates.
  2. Update the pyweb.weavers dictionary.
  3. Call pyweb.main() to run the existing main program with extra classes available to it.
import pyweb
class MyWeaver( HTML ):
   Any template changes

pyweb.weavers['myweaver']= MyWeaver()

This will create a variant on pyWeb that will handle a different weaver via the command-line option -w myweaver.

Unit Tests

The test directory includes pyweb_test.w, which will create a complete test suite.

This source will weaves a pyweb_test.html file. See file:test/pyweb_test.html

This source will tangle several test modules:,,, and Running the module will include and execute all 78 tests.

Here's a script that works out well for running this without disturbing the development environment. The PYTHONPATH setting is essential to support importing pyweb.

cd test
python ../ pyweb_test.w
PYTHONPATH=.. python

Note that the last line really does set an environment variable and run a program on a single line.

Additional Files

Two aditional scripts, and, are provided as examples which an be customized.

The README and files are also an important part of the distribution.

The .CSS file and .conf file for RST production are also provided here. Script

This script shows a simple version of Tangling. This has a permitted error for '@i' commands to allow an include file (for example test results) to be omitted from the tangle operation.

Note the general flow of this top-level script.

  1. Create the logging context.
  2. Create the options. This hard-coded object is a stand-in for parsing command-line options.
  3. Create the web object.
  4. For each action (LoadAction and TangleAction in this example) Set the web, set the options, execute the callable action, and write a summary. (168) =

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Sample script."""
import pyweb
import logging
import argparse

with pyweb.Logger( pyweb.log_config ):
    logger= logging.getLogger(__file__)

    options = argparse.Namespace(
            webFileName= "pyweb.w",
            verbosity= logging.INFO,
            command= '@',
            permitList= ['@i'],
            tangler_line_numbers= False,
            reference_style = pyweb.SimpleReference(),
            theTangler= pyweb.TanglerMake(),
            webReader= pyweb.WebReader(),

    w= pyweb.Web()

    for action in LoadAction(), TangleAction():
            action.web= w
            action.options= options
   action.summary() ) (168). Script

This script shows a simple version of Weaving. This shows how to define a customized set of templates for a different markup language.

A customized weaver generally has three parts. (169) =

→ overheads for correct operation of a script (170)
→ custom weaver definition to customize the Weaver being used (171)
→ processing: load and weave the document (172) (169). overheads for correct operation of a script (170) =

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Sample script."""
import pyweb
import logging
import argparse
import string overheads for correct operation of a script (170). Used by: (169) custom weaver definition to customize the Weaver being used (171) =

class MyHTML( pyweb.HTML ):
    """HTML formatting templates."""
    extension= ".html"

    cb_template= string.Template("""<a name="pyweb${seq}"></a>
    <!--line number ${lineNumber}-->
    <p><em>${fullName}</em> (${seq})&nbsp;${concat}</p>

    ce_template= string.Template("""
    <p>&loz; <em>${fullName}</em> (${seq}).

    fb_template= string.Template("""<a name="pyweb${seq}"></a>
    <!--line number ${lineNumber}-->
    <p>``${fullName}`` (${seq})&nbsp;${concat}</p>
    <code><pre>\n""") # Prevent indent

    fe_template= string.Template( """</pre></code>
    <p>&loz; ``${fullName}`` (${seq}).

    ref_item_template = string.Template(
    '<a href="#pyweb${seq}"><em>${fullName}</em>&nbsp;(${seq})</a>'

    ref_template = string.Template( '  Used by ${refList}.'  )

    refto_name_template = string.Template(
    '<a href="#pyweb${seq}">&rarr;<em>${fullName}</em>&nbsp;(${seq})</a>'
    refto_seq_template = string.Template( '<a href="#pyweb${seq}">(${seq})</a>' )

    xref_head_template = string.Template( "<dl>\n" )
    xref_foot_template = string.Template( "</dl>\n" )
    xref_item_template = string.Template( "<dt>${fullName}</dt><dd>${refList}</dd>\n" )

    name_def_template = string.Template( '<a href="#pyweb${seq}"><b>&bull;${seq}</b></a>' )
    name_ref_template = string.Template( '<a href="#pyweb${seq}">${seq}</a>' ) custom weaver definition to customize the Weaver being used (171). Used by: (169) processing: load and weave the document (172) =

with pyweb.Logger( pyweb.log_config ):
    logger= logging.getLogger(__file__)

    options = argparse.Namespace(
            webFileName= "pyweb.w",
            verbosity= logging.INFO,
            command= '@',
            theWeaver= MyHTML(),
            permitList= [],
            tangler_line_numbers= False,
            reference_style = pyweb.SimpleReference(),
            theTangler= pyweb.TanglerMake(),
            webReader= pyweb.WebReader(),

    w= pyweb.Web()

    for action in LoadAction(), WeaveAction():
            action.web= w
            action.options= options
   action.summary() ) processing: load and weave the document (172). Used by: (169)

The and files

In order to support a pleasant installation, the file is helpful. (173) =

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Setup for pyWeb."""

from distutils.core import setup

      description='pyWeb 2.3: Yet Another Literate Programming Tool',
      author='S. Lott',
      'Intended Audience :: Developers',
      'Topic :: Documentation',
      'Topic :: Software Development :: Documentation',
      'Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup',
   ) (173).

In order build a source distribution kit the python3 sdist requires a MANIFEST. We can either list all files or provide a that specifies additional rules. We use a simple inclusion to augment the default manifest rules. (174) =

include *.w *.css *.html *.conf *.rst
include test/*.w test/*.css test/*.html test/*.conf test/*.py
include jedit/*.xml (174).

The README file

Here's the README file.

README (175) =

pyWeb 2.3: In Python, Yet Another Literate Programming Tool

Literate programming is an attempt to reconcile the opposing needs
of clear presentation to people with the technical issues of
creating code that will work with our current set of tools.

Presentation to people requires extensive and sophisticated typesetting
techniques.  Further, the "narrative arc" of a presentation may not
follow the source code as layed out for the compiler.

pyWeb is a literate programming tool that combines the actions
of weaving a document with tangling source files.
It is independent of any particular document markup or source language.
Is uses a simple set of markup tags to define chunks of code and

The pyweb.w file is the source for the various pyweb module and script files, plus
the pyweb.html file.  The various source code files are created by applying a
tangle operation to the .w file.  The final documentation is created by
applying a weave operation to the .w file.



    python3 install

This will install the pyweb module.

Document production

The supplied documentation uses RST markup and requires docutils.


    python3 -m pyweb pyweb.w pyweb.rst pyweb.html


The pyweb document describes the simple markup used to define code chunks
and assemble those code chunks into a coherent document as well as working code.

If you're a JEdit user, the ``jedit`` directory can be used
to configure syntax highlighting that includes PyWeb and RST.


You can then run pyweb with


    python3 -m pyweb pyweb.w

This will create the various output files from the source .w file.

-   ``pyweb.html`` is the final woven document.

-   ````, ````, ````, ``README``, ```` and ````
    are tangled output files.


The test directory includes ``pyweb_test.w``, which will create a
complete test suite.

This weaves a ``pyweb_test.html`` file.

This tangles several test modules:  ````, ````, ````,
```` and ````.  Running the ```` module will include and
execute all tests.


    cd test
    python3 -m pyweb pyweb_test.w
    PYTHONPATH=.. python3 pyweb_test.rst pyweb_test.html

README (175).

The CSS Files

To get the RST to look good, there are two additional files.

docutils.conf defines the CSS files to use. The default CSS file (stylesheet-path) may need to be customized for your installation of docutils.

docutils.conf (176) =

# docutils.conf

[html4css1 writer]
stylesheet-path: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/lib/python3.3/site-packages/docutils-0.11-py3.3.egg/docutils/writers/html4css1/html4css1.css,
syntax-highlight: long

docutils.conf (176).

page-layout.css This tweaks one CSS to be sure that the resulting HTML pages are easier to read.

page-layout.css (177) =

/* Page layout tweaks */
div.document { width: 7in; }
.small { font-size: smaller; }
    color: #101080;
    display: block;
    border-color: black;
    border-width: thin;
    border-style: solid;
    background-color: #E0FFFF;
    padding: 0 0 0 1%;
    margin: 0 6% 0 6%;
    text-align: left;
    font-size: smaller;

page-layout.css (177).

JEdit Configuration

Here's the pyweb.xml file that you'll need to configure JEdit so that it properly highlights your PyWeb commands.

We'll define the overall properties plus two sets of rules.

jedit/pyweb.xml (178) =

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE MODE SYSTEM "xmode.dtd">

    →props for JEdit mode (179)
    →rules for JEdit PyWeb and RST (180)
    →rules for JEdit PyWeb XML-Like Constructs (181)

jedit/pyweb.xml (178).

Here are some properties to define RST constructs to JEdit

props for JEdit mode (179) =

    <PROPERTY NAME="lineComment" VALUE=".. "/>
    <!-- indent after literal blocks and directives -->
    <PROPERTY NAME="indentNextLines" VALUE=".*::$"/>
    <PROPERTY NAME="commentStart" VALUE="@{" />
    <PROPERTY NAME="commentEnd" VALUE="@}" />

props for JEdit mode (179). Used by: jedit/pyweb.xml (178)

Here are some rules to define PyWeb and RST constructs to JEdit.

rules for JEdit PyWeb and RST (180) =


    <!-- targets -->

    <!-- section titles -->

    <!-- replacement -->

    <!-- substitution -->

    <!-- directives: .. name:: -->

    <!-- strong emphasis: **...** -->

    <!-- emphasis: *...* -->

    <!-- comments -->

    <!-- links: `...`_ or `...`__ -->

    <!-- footnote reference: [0]_ -->

    <!-- footnote reference: [#]_ or [#foo]_ -->

    <!-- footnote reference: [*]_ -->
    <SEQ TYPE="LABEL">[*]_</SEQ>

    <!-- citation reference: [foo]_ -->

    <!-- inline literal: ``...``-->

    <!-- interpreted text: `...` -->





    <!-- :field list: -->
    >:[A-z][A-z0-9  =\s\t_]*:</SEQ_REGEXP>

    <!-- table -->


rules for JEdit PyWeb and RST (180). Used by: jedit/pyweb.xml (178)

Here are some additional rules to define PyWeb constructs to JEdit that look like XML.

rules for JEdit PyWeb XML-Like Constructs (181) =


rules for JEdit PyWeb XML-Like Constructs (181). Used by: jedit/pyweb.xml (178)

Additionally, you'll want to update the JEdit catalog.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE MODES SYSTEM "catalog.dtd">

<!-- Add lines like the following, one for each edit mode you add: -->
<MODE NAME="pyweb" FILE="pyweb.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.w"/>


To Do

  1. Fix name definition order. There's no good reason why a full name should be first and elided names defined later.

  2. Silence the logging during testing.

  3. Add a JSON-based configuration file to configure templates.

    • See the example. This removes any need for a weaver command-line option; its defined within the source. Also, setting the command character can be done in this configuration, too.

    • An alternative is to get markup templates from a "header" section in the .w file.

      To support reuse over multiple projects, a header could be included with @i. The downside is that we have a lot of variable = value syntax that makes it more like a properties file than a .w syntax file. It seems needless to invent a lot of new syntax just for configuration.

  4. JSON-based logging configuration file would be helpful. Should be separate from template configuration.

  5. We might want to decompose the impl.w file: it's huge.

  6. We might want to interleave code and test into a document that presents both side-by-side. They get routed to different output files.

  7. Add a @h "header goes here" command to allow weaving any pyWeb required addons to a LaTeX header, HTML header or RST header. These are extra ..  include::, \\usepackage{fancyvrb} or maybe an HTML CSS reference that come from pyWeb and need to be folded into otherwise boilerplate documents.

  8. Update the -indent option to accept a numeric argument with the specific indentation value. This becomes a kind of "noindent" with a given value. The -noindent would then be the same as -indent 0.

  9. Offer a basic XHTML template that uses CDATA sections instead of quoting. Does require the standard quoting for the CDATA end tag.

  10. The createUsedBy() method can be done incrementally by accumulating a list of forward references to chunks; as each new chunk is added, any references to the chunk are removed from the forward references list, and a call is made to the Web's setUsage method. References backward to already existing chunks are easily resolved with a simple lookup.

  11. Note that the overall Web is a bit like a NamedChunk that contains Chunks. This similarity could be factored out. While this will create a more proper Composition pattern implementation, it leads to the question of why nest @d or @o chunks in the first place?

Other Thoughts

There are two possible projects that might prove useful.

  • Jinja2 for better templates.
  • pyYAML for slightly cleaner encoding of logging configuration or other configuration.

There are advantages and disadvantages to depending on other projects. The disadvantage is a (very low, but still present) barrier to adoption. The advantage of adding these two projects might be some simplification.

Change Log

Changes for 2.3.2.

Changes for 2.3.1.

Changes for 2.3.

Changes since version 1.4




Action call method actually does the real work:
Action class hierarchy - used to describe basic actions of the application:
Action final summary of what was done:
Action superclass has common features of all actions:
ActionSequence append adds a new action to the sequence:
ActionSequence call method delegates the sequence of ations:
ActionSequence subclass that holds a sequence of other actions:
ActionSequence summary summarizes each step:
Application Class:
 →(159) →(160)
Application class process all files:
Application default options:
Application parse command line:
Base Class Definitions:
Chunk add to the web:
Chunk append a command:
Chunk append text:
Chunk class:→(52)
Chunk class hierarchy - used to describe input chunks:
Chunk examination:
 starts with, matches pattern: →(57)
Chunk generate references from this Chunk:
Chunk indent adjustments:
Chunk references to this Chunk:
Chunk superclass make Content definition:
Chunk tangle this Chunk into a code file:
Chunk weave this Chunk into the documentation:
CodeCommand class to contain a program source code block:
Command analysis features:
 starts-with and Regular Expression search: →(78)
Command class hierarchy - used to describe individual commands:
Command superclass:
Command tangle and weave functions:
Emitter class hierarchy - used to control output files:
Emitter core open, close and write:
Emitter doClose, to be overridden by subclasses:
Emitter doOpen, to be overridden by subclasses:
Emitter indent control:
 set, clear and reset: →(10)
Emitter superclass:
Emitter write a block of code:
 →(7) →(8) →(9)
Error class - defines the errors raised:
FileXrefCommand class for an output file cross-reference:
HTML code chunk begin:
HTML code chunk end:
HTML output file begin:
HTML output file end:
HTML reference to a chunk:
HTML references summary at the end of a chunk:
HTML short references summary at the end of a chunk:
HTML simple cross reference markup:
HTML subclass of Weaver:
 →(31) →(32)
HTML write a line of code:
HTML write user id cross reference line:
Imports:→(11) →(47) →(96) →(124) →(131) →(133) →(154) →(158) →(164)
Interface Functions:
LaTeX code chunk begin:
LaTeX code chunk end:
LaTeX file output begin:
LaTeX file output end:
LaTeX reference to a chunk:
LaTeX references summary at the end of a chunk:
LaTeX subclass of Weaver:
LaTeX write a line of code:
LoadAction call method loads the input files:
LoadAction subclass loads the document web:
LoadAction summary provides lines read:
Logging Setup:→(165) →(166)
MacroXrefCommand class for a named chunk cross-reference:
NamedChunk add to the web:
NamedChunk class:
 →(63) →(68)
NamedChunk tangle into the source file:
NamedChunk user identifiers set and get:
NamedChunk weave into the documentation:
NamedDocumentChunk class:
NamedDocumentChunk tangle:
NamedDocumentChunk weave:
Option Parser class - locates optional values on commands:
 →(134) →(135)
OutputChunk add to the web:
OutputChunk class:
OutputChunk tangle:
OutputChunk weave:
Overheads:→(155) →(156) →(157)
RST subclass of Weaver:
Reference class hierarchy - strategies for references to a chunk:
 →(91) →(92) →(93)
ReferenceCommand class for chunk references:
ReferenceCommand refers to a chunk:
ReferenceCommand resolve a referenced chunk name:
ReferenceCommand tangle a referenced chunk:
ReferenceCommand weave a reference to a chunk:
TangleAction call method does tangling of the output files:
TangleAction subclass initiates the tangle action:
TangleAction summary method provides total lines tangled:
Tangler code chunk begin:
Tangler code chunk end:
Tangler doOpen, and doClose overrides:
Tangler subclass of Emitter to create source files with no markup:
TanglerMake doClose override, comparing temporary to original:
TanglerMake doOpen override, using a temporary file:
TanglerMake subclass which is make-sensitive:
TextCommand class to contain a document text block:
Tokenizer class - breaks input into tokens:
UserIdXrefCommand class for a user identifier cross-reference:
WeaveAction call method to pick the language:
WeaveAction subclass initiates the weave action:
WeaveAction summary of language choice:
Weaver code chunk begin-end:
Weaver cross reference output methods:
 →(20) →(21)
Weaver doOpen, doClose and addIndent overrides:
Weaver document chunk begin-end:
Weaver file chunk begin-end:
Weaver quoted characters:
Weaver reference command output:
Weaver reference summary, used by code chunk and file chunk:
Weaver subclass of Emitter to create documentation:
Web Chunk check reference counts are all one:
Web Chunk cross reference methods:
 →(104) →(106) →(107) →(108)
Web Chunk name resolution methods:
 →(102) →(103)
Web add a named macro chunk:
Web add an anonymous chunk:
Web add an output file definition chunk:
Web add full chunk names, ignoring abbreviated names:
Web class - describes the overall "web" of chunks:
Web construction methods used by Chunks and WebReader:
Web determination of the language from the first chunk:
Web tangle the output files:
Web weave the output document:
WebReader class - parses the input file, building the Web structure:
WebReader command literals:
WebReader handle a command string:
 →(115) →(127)
WebReader load the web:
WebReader location in the input stream:
XrefCommand superclass for all cross-reference commands:
add a reference command to the current chunk:
add an expression command to the current chunk:
assign user identifiers to the current chunk:
collect all user identifiers from a given map into ux:
double at-sign replacement, append this character to previous TextCommand:
find user identifier usage and update ux from the given map:
finish a chunk, start a new Chunk adding it to the web:
import another file:
major commands segment the input into separate Chunks:
minor commands add Commands to the current Chunk:
props for JEdit mode:
rules for JEdit PyWeb XML-Like Constructs:
rules for JEdit PyWeb and RST:
start a NamedChunk or NamedDocumentChunk, adding it to the web:
start an OutputChunk, adding it to the web:
 →(117) custom weaver definition to customize the Weaver being used:
 →(171) overheads for correct operation of a script:
 →(170) processing:
 load and weave the document: →(172)

User Identifiers

Action:[137] 140 144 147 150
ActionSequence:[140] 161
Application:[159] 167
Chunk:[52] 58 63 90 95 104 119 120 123 129
CodeCommand:63 [81]
Command:53 [77] 80 82 86 163
Emitter:[3] 12 43
Error:58 61 67 75 82 90 [94] 100 102 103 113 118 119 125 135 145 148 151 162
 [83] 121
HTML:31 [32] 111 160 171
LaTeX:[23] 111 160
LoadAction:[150] 161 168 172
 [84] 121
NamedChunk:[63] 68 69 73 118
 [73] 118
OutputChunk:[69] 117
 [86] 123
TangleAction:[147] 161 168
Tangler:3 [43] 48 162
TanglerMake:[48] 162 166 168 172
TextCommand:54 56 67 73 [80] 81
Tokenizer:129 [132]
 [85] 121
WeaveAction:[144] 161 172
Weaver:[12] 22 23 31 162 163
Web:45 55 65 70 [95] 151 163 168 172
WebReader:[114] 119 162 166 168 172
XrefCommand:[82] 83 84 85
__version__:125 [157]
add:55 [99]
addDefName:[98] 100 123
addIndent:10 [13] 62 66
addNamed:65 [100]
addOutput:70 [101]
append:10 13 [53] 54 93 99 100 101 104 110 121 123 135 142
appendText:[54] 123 125 126 129
argparse:[158] 161 162 168 170 172
builtins:[124] 125
chunkXref:84 [107]
close:[4] 13 44 50
clrIndent:[10] 62 66 68
codeBegin:17 [33] 45 66 67
codeBlock:[7] 66 81
codeEnd:[17] 46 66 67
codeFinish:4 [9] 13
createUsedBy:[104] 151
datetime:125 [154]
doClose:4 6 13 44 [50]
doOpen:4 5 13 44 [49]
docBegin:[15] 60
docEnd:[15] 60
duration:[139] 146 149 152
expand:74 123 161 [162]
expect:117 118 123 125 [127]
fileBegin:[18] 71
fileEnd:18 [36] 71
fileXref:83 [107]
filecmp:[47] 50
formatXref:[82] 83 84
fullNameFor:66 71 87 98 [102] 103 104
genReferences:[58] 104
getUserIDRefs:57 [64] 109
getchunk:87 [103] 104 113
handleCommand:[115] 129
language:[111] 145 156 175
lineNumber:17 18 33 35 45 54 56 [57] 63 67 73 77 80 82 86 119 121 123 125 126 128 129 132 171
load:119 [129] 151 161 163
location:115 122 125 127 [128]
logging:3 77 91 95 114 137 159 161 162 163 [164] 165 166 168 170 172
logging.config:[164] 165
makeContent:54 56 63 [73]
 105 [106]
no_definition:105 [106]
no_reference:105 [106]
open:[4] 13 44 112 113 125 129
os:44 49 50 113 125 [154]
parse:117 118 [129] 135
parseArgs:[162] 167
platform:[124] 125
process:125 [163] 167
quote:[8] 81
quoted_chars:8 14 [29] 38
re:110 [131] 132 175
readdIndent:3 [10] 13
ref:28 58 [79] 88 99 100 101
referenceSep:[19] 113
referenceTo:19 20 [30] 66
references:16 17 18 19 25 32 34 36 [42] 52 58 105 122 156 161 171
resolve:67 [87] 88 89 90 103
searchForRE:57 78 [80] 110
setUserIDRefs:[64] 122
shlex:[133] 135
startswith:57 78 [80] 102 111 129 135 163
string:[11] 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 28 30 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 170 171
summary:139 [143] 146 149 152 163 168 172
sys:[124] 125 166
tangle:45 61 67 69 72 73 75 79 80 [81] 82 90 112 148 156 161 168 175
tempfile:[47] 49
time:138 139 [154]
types:12 125 [154]
userNamesXref:85 [108]
weakref:[96] 99 100 101
weave:60 66 71 74 79 80 [81] 83 84 85 89 113 145 156 161 170 175
weaveChunk:89 [113]
 [60] 66 74 113
 [60] 66 74 113
webAdd:[55] 65 70 117 118 119 120 129
write:[4] 7 9 17 18 20 21 45 80 113
xrefDefLine:21 [41] 85
xrefFoot:20 [21] 82 85
xrefHead:20 [21] 82 85
xrefLine:20 [21] 82

Created by /Users/slott/Documents/Projects/pyWeb-2.3/pyweb/ at Thu Dec 4 18:45:16 2014.

Source pyweb.w modified Mon Mar 17 10:13:24 2014.

pyweb.__version__ '2.3.2'.

Working directory '/Users/slott/Documents/Projects/pyWeb-2.3/pyweb'.